XXXIX-B8, 2012
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
M. Koarai * *, T. Okatani ^, T. Nakano *, T. Nakamura ® M. Hasegawa"
® Geography and Crustal Dynamics Research Center, Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, Kitasatol, Tsukuba,
Ibaraki, 305-0811 Japan - (koarai, okatani, t-nakano)
® Dept. of Applied Geography, Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, Kitasato1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0811 Japan
- (nakamura, gaku)
Commission VIII, WG VIII/1
KEY WORDS: The Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami damage, Flood depth, Mobile Mapping System, landform classification,
DEMSs, Land use
The great earthquake occurred in Tohoku District, Japan on 11th March, 2011. This earthquake is named "the 2011 off the Pacific
coast of Tohoku Earthquake", and the damage by this earthquake is named "the Great East Japan Earthquake". About twenty
thousand people were killed or lost by the tsunami of this earthquake, and large area was flooded and a large number of buildings
were destroyed by the tsunami.
The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI) has provided the data of tsunami flooded area interpreted from aerial photos
taken just after the great earthquake. This is fundamental data of tsunami damage and very useful for consideration of reconstruction
planning of tsunami damaged area.
The authors analyzed the relationship among land use, landform classification, DEMs data flooded depth of the tsunami flooded
area by the Great East Japan Earthquake in the Sendai Plain using GIS. Land use data is 100 meter grid data of National Land
Information Data by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism (MLIT). Landform classification data is vector
data of Land Condition Map produced by GSI. DEMs data are 5 meters grid data measured with LiDAR by GSI after earthquake.
Especially, the authors noticed the relationship between tsunami hazard damage and flooded depth. The authors divided tsunami
damage into three categories by interpreting aerial photos; first is the completely destroyed area where almost wooden buildings
were lost, second is the heavily damaged area where a large number of houses were destroyed by the tsunami, and third is the
flooded only area where houses were less destroyed. The flooded depth was measured by photogrammetric method using digital
image taken by Mobile Mapping System (MMS).
The result of these geographic analyses show the distribution of tsunami damage level is as follows: 1) The completely destroyed
area was located within 1km area from the coastline, flooded depth of this area is over 4m, and no relationship between damaged
area and landform classification. 2) The heavily damaged area was observed up to 3 or 4km from the coastline. Flooded depth of this
area is over 1.5m, and there is a good relationship between damaged area and height of DEMs. 3) The flood only area was observed
up to 4 or Skm from the coastline. Flooded depth of this area was less than 1.5m, and there is a good relationship between damaged
area and landform. For instance, a certain area in valley plain or flooded plain was not affected by the tsunami, even though an area
with almost the same height in coastal plain or delta was flooded. These results mean that it is important for tsunami disaster
management to consider not only DEMs but also landform classification.
1. INTRODUCTION area to clarify the geographical characteristics such as landform
e and land use of tsunami flooded area.
The great earthquake occurred in Tohoku District, Japan on The authors did overlay analysis about the relationship
11th March, 2011. This earthquake is named “the 2011 offthe ^ between tsunami damage and geographical characteristics of
Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake”, and the damage by this tsunami flooded area by the Great East Japan Earthquake in the
earthquake is named “the Great East Japan Earthquake”. About Sendai Plain using GIS. Land use data is 100 meter grid data of
twenty thousand people were killed or lost by the tsunami of National Land Information Data by the Ministry of Land,
this earthquake, and large area was flooded and a large number Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism (MLIT). Landform
of buildings were destroyed by the tsunami. classification data is vector data of Land Condition Map
The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI) has produced by GSI. DEMs data are 5 meters grid data measured
provided the data of tsunami flooded area interpreted from with airborne laser survey data (LiDAR data) by GSI after
aerial photos taken just after the great earthquake. This data is ^ earthquake. Especially, the authors noticed the relationship
fundamental data of tsunami damage and very useful for between tsunami hazard damage and flooded depth.
consideration of reconstruction planning of tsunami damaged In this presentation, the authors introduce the result of these
area. It is important for the planning of expected tsunami hazard overlay analysis and geographical characteristics of tsunami
flooded area.
* Corresponding author.