Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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Commission VI 
Symposium held in Mainz, FR Germany, 22 - 25 September 1982 
Prof. Badekas (Greece) : My country will certainly consider to participate in 
MLD covering the Greek language. 
Dr. Al Homaid (Saudi Arabia): I think there Should also be a volume of MLD covering 
the Arabian language. I will check whether we can form a team for doing the work. 
Prof. Chen (China - Taipei): I think this MLD is a very good project. Whenever 
my distinguished colleagues from China -Beijing should wish So, I will be pre- 
pared to cooperate for compiling the Chinese volume. I anticipate some problems 
for MLD regarding the Chinese writing. 
Mr. Fernando (Sri Lanka) : Similar problems may occur with other characters of 
writing, for instance Thai. I wonder how they can be solved. 
Dr. Lindig (FR Germany): I do not see any problem as the various language 
editions will be printed in a country having that language as mother tongue. 
Prof. Lobanov (USSR) : I confirm that my country is prepared to carry responsibility 
for the Russian language, and to cooperate with Dr.Lindig and the WG -Office. 
Mr. Wen Wogen/ Xue Shungui (China - Beijing): We did already something in the 
PR China on definitions, and that may be an input for MLD. 
President ISPRS Doyle (USA) : I congratulate Dr.Lindig for his endeavours. The 
concept for assembling the MLD is sound. Nevertheless, I would appreciate more in- 
formation on the mode of publication, and on the role of the Society in this respect. 
Dr. Lindig (FR Germany) : 
+ The country of a Vice Chairman is responsible for publishing and for delivery 
of the individual language volume. Costs can be covered by selling the language 
volumes. The dispatch can also be done in cooperation with other countries of 
the respective language. 
+ Any language volume must be available for anybody in any country. 
+ The mode of printing can vary according to requirement and capability. It 
can be computer output, microfiche, or conventioonal letterpress printing. 
Copying can also be done by a Xerox machine. 
* At a later phase, delivery of all language volumes can also be through one 
single institution, for instance through the ISPRS Headquarter. 
* The Working Group -Office will do the utmost to Supply material as soon as 
possible to the Vice Chairmen, enabling them to present samples and a draft 
for their language volume at the Congress Rio de Janeiro 1984. 
President ISPRS Doyle (USA): I wish your Working Group good success. I understand 
that responsibility for language volumes will be accepted by PR China, France, 
FR Germany, United Kingdom, Uruguay, USSR and possibly Saudi Arabia. I hope that 
we will receive a favourable report on the state of these language volumes at 
the Rio Congress in June 1984. : 
The Board of Commission VI was in session on 25 September 1982. The meeting was 
in unanimous agreement that the work outlined by Dr. Lindig be continued and 
Belzner 1 

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