Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

- 134 = 
: Commission VI 
Symposium held in Mainz, FR Germany, 22 - 25 September 1982 
Dr. Morris M. Thompson 
Chairman, Publications Policy Committee, ISPRS 
Vienna, VA, USA 
The following publications of the International Society for Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) are discussed : a) The international journal 
'Photogrammetria', b) the International Archives of Photogrammetry for 
proceedings of ISPRS Congresses and ISPRS Symposia, c) an ISPRS Bulletin 
for announcements, reports and news, d) special publications. À well 
founded ISPRS publications policy is presented. 
Recognizing the need for organized management of the publications activities of 
ISPRS, the General Assembly, meeting in Hamburg in 1980, approved the forma- 
tion of a Publications Policy Committee. The committee has considered the pro- 
blems inherent in the existing publications program and suggests some practical 
steps for improving each aspect of the program. 
The quarterly journal, Photogrammetria, should be restructured to overcome its 
present deficiencies of small circulation, thin issues, and lack of prestige. 
It should emphasize information concerning the literature of photogrammetry 
and remote sensing on a worldwide scale, with perhaps one carefully selected 
technical article on a subject of broad interest. A vigorous promotional cam- 
paign to increase the circulation should be undertaken. An index of subjects 
treated in the journal (not just the titles) during the last decade should be 
prepared and published. 
The Archives of ISPRS are inconvenient to handle and difficult to use as a re- 
ference. In the future, the format of the papers should be maintained to strict 
specifications. The pages should be numbered in sequence and the archives should 
be indexed by topics covered (not just by title) for convenient reference. 
Proceedings of Symposia and Speciality Conferences should be published by the 
host society, if the quality of the presentations merits such publication. 
Authors should be furnished model paper for typing, with specific instructions 
for producing camera-ready copy, So that the volumes can be printed in an at- 
tractive, uniform format. 
Special documents produced by Commissions or working groups, such as approved. 
technical standards, should be published in the same format as proceedings of 
Symposia. A combined index of special documents and proceedings volumes should 
be prepared. 
Bibliograpnic quotation : 
Thompson, M. : A publications policy for the International Society for Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing. In: Int.Archive for Photogrammetry, 24 - VI, pp 134 — 144, 
Maine 1082

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