Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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grammetrists around the world. It could be edited by the Secretary-General of 
ISPRS who would be in a good position to know what information is available and 
timely. For example, applications for attendance at ISPRS congresses and 
symposia could be mailed as inserts in the bulletin. 
Distribution of the bulletin could be accomplished with the cooperation of the 
national societies. Bulk shipments of copies of the bulletin could be made to each 
national society which would in turn mail copies to its members. A previous effort 
to set up such a system was opposed by the national societies because of high 
mailing costs, but perhaps it is now time to make another effort. A possible 
solution to the cost problem might be to have each national society incorporate the 
contents of the bulletin in its journal. 
Much of the material appearing in the bulletin, such as announcements of 
commission symposia, is worthy of repeating. Such information should also appear 
in Photogrammetria and in the journals of the national societies. 
Special publications 
Certain publications are needed to meet special purposes. Examples of such 
publications ares : 
l. Technical standards adopted by ISPRS 
2. Statutes of ISPRS 
3. Bibliographies, indexes, glossaries 
4, History of photogrammetry 
5. Significant documents preepared by technical commissions. 
The production of each such publication should be planned on an ad hoc basis 
under the guidance of the Publications Policy Committee. A strong effort should 
be made to achieve consistency in format so that these volumes may be 
conveniently matched on a shelf of ISPRS publications. 
Regional publications 
It has been suggested that a number of regional journals be established in 
order to avoid the proliferation of national journals. If there is a demand for such 
regional publications, and if there is initiative in a particular region to produce a 
worthwhile periodical, the move should be supported by ISPRS. On the other hand, 
it is doubtful that any national society would be willing to abandon its own journal 
in favor of a regional journal. As there is already more material published than any 
reader can assimilate, it may not be prudent for ISPRS to advocate strongly the 
establishment of more publications. 
Thompson 9

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