Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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5. Film and video tapes 
The Guide to Audio-Visual Materials compiled by Amelia M. Budge for the 
Committee on Education of the American Society of Photogrammetry con- 
tains a great number of films and video tapes. It is true that most of these 
films refer to general matters in Remote Sensing and seldom in Photogram- 
metry and they give overall pictures of these fields, general introductions 
and adequate coverage of various applications. It is possible that this 
list could be extended to cover similar films and video tapes from Europe. 
It seems to me that these areas that I have already pointed out constitute 
a tremendous field of actions for Working Group VI-9. These actions are 
within the possibilities of our Commission and they would be important for 
our Scientific Community. 
American Society of Photogrammecry. 1975. Manual of Remote Sensing. ASP, Falls 
Church. 2061 pp. 
Barrett, E.C. and L.F. Curtis. 1976. Introduction to Environmental Remote 
Sensiug.  Halsted Press. London. 323 pp. > 
Bernstein, R. 1978. Digital Image Processing for Remote Sensing. IEEE Press. 
New York. 457 pp. 
Estes, J.z. and L.W. Senger. 1974. Remote Sensing Techniques for Environmental 
Analysis. Hamilton Press. Santa Barbara. 329 pp. 
Holtz, R.K. 1973. The ^urveillant Science: Remote Sensing of the Environment. 
Houghton Mifflin. Boston. 390 pp. 
Johnson, P.L. 1969. Remote Sensing in Ecology. University of Georgia Press. 
Athens. 219 pp. 
Lillesand, T. and R. Kiefer. 1979. Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. 
John Wiley. New York. 603 pp. 
Table 1 Lintz, J., Jr. and D.S. Simonett. 1978. Remote Sensing of Environment. 
Addison-Wesley. Reading, Mass. 714 pp. 
Lyons, T.R. and F.J. Mathien. 1980. Cultural Resources Remote Sensing. 
National Park Service. Washington. 390 pp. 
National Academy of Sciences. 1970. Remote Sensing with Special Reference to 
Agriculture and Forestry. NAS. Washington. 420 pp. 
Richason, B., Jr. 1978. Introduction to Remote Sensing of the Environment. 
Kendall/Hunt. Dubuque. 441 pp. 
Rudd, R.D. 1974. Remote Sensing: A Better View. Duxbury Press. North 
Scituate, Mass. 125 pp. 
Sabine, F.F. 1978. Remote Sensing Principles and Interpretation. W.H. 
Freeman. San Francisco. 402 pp. 
Siegal, B.S. and A.R. Gillespie. 1980. Remote Sensing in Geology. John Wiley. 
New York. 687 pp. 
Slater, P.N. 1980. Remote Sensing Optics and Optical Systems. Addison-Wesley. 
Reading, Mass. 559 pp. 
Swain, P.H. and S.M. Davis. 1978. Remote Sensing: The Quantitative Approach. 
McGraw-Hill. New York. 386 pp. 
Wenderoth, S., E. Yost, 3. Kalia, and R. Anderson. 1974. Multispectral Photo- 
graphy for Earth Resources. Sci. Eng. Res. Grp. New York. 200 pp. 
John Badekas is Professor of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing 
and Cadastre since 1970 at the National Technical University 
in Athens, Greece. He graduated from this University and 
received his M.Sc. 1967 and his Ph.D. in 1969 from Ohio 
State University in USA. He has worked as a government 
employee and as a consultant in several projects ranging 
from topographical surveying to regional plannin. He has 
been involved in several research projects and published 
papers related to aerial triangulation, architectural 
photogrammetry and education. 
Badekas 3 

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