Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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Commission VI 
Symposium held in Mainz, FR Germany, 22 - 25 September 1982 
Dr. Ade Abiodun 
Expert on Space Applications 
United Nations, New York 
A report is given on a consultative meeting between representatives of 
European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EASEeL), Interna- 
tional Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), and the 
United Nations, as a follow-up of the UNISPACE 82 Conference in Vienna. 
The meeting has been held in Enschede, The Netherlands, 23-24 August 1982. 
1. Background 
Following a letter from Professor Caesar Voüte (ref. Vo/hr/82.038 of 16 
March 1982) of ITC, Chairman of the EARSel Working Group 3 on Education 
and Training to Ambassador Jankowitsch, Chairman of the United Nations 
Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) in connection with 
the programme of long-range practical training, described in United Nations 
documents A/AC.105/303 and A/CONF.101/BP/11/Add.2: Proposed activities 
to further assist Member States in the sharing of benefits from space tech- 
nologies, Ambassador Jankowitsch in his reply, date 31 March 1982, informed 
Professor Voüte that COPUOS, at its 238th meeting held on 29 March 1982, 
had considered the substance of Professor Voüte's letter and had mandated 
the United Nations Expert on Space Applications to explore the possible 
areas of co-operation on this subject with EARSeL. Subsequent communica- 
tions thus led to the scheduling of this consultative meeting among the 
representatives of EARSeL, ISPRS, IAF (absent) and the United Nations. 
2. Objectives 
This consultative meeting had been convened to focus on appropriate imple- 
mentation strategies for the practical training programme proposed by the 
United Nations Expert on Space Applications as contained in United Nations 
documents A/AC.105/303 and A/CONF.101/BP/11/Add.2. These documents focus 
a) Programme of practical training; 
b) Technical advisory services; and 
C) Programme for information on technological development, training 
and education 
for the benefit of the developing countries. The meeting also explored 
the possibility of how the proposed training programme could make use of 
course modules, which could be developed and implemented in institutions 
in developed and developing countries in areas of fundamentals and spe- 
cific application disciplines. 
Bibliographic quotation : 
Abiodun, A. : Education and information on remote sensing. In: Int. Archive of 
Photogrammetry, 24 - VI, pp 176 - 185, Mainz 1982 

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