Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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technic, to scientific creativity and ingeniousity. 
Photogrammetry is given in MIGAC in all the faculties: geodetic, airsurveying, 
cartographic, electronic and optical instruments, applied space technology, 
evening courses, courses by correspondence, qualification promotion, for- 
eign students. / 
On airsurveying faculty photogrammetry takes 320 hours, among them 178 
for lessons and 142 for laboratory study. Curriculum begins on the fourth 
term and finished on the tenth one. Besides this subject department of 
photogrammetry on this faculty gives a photogrammetrical instrumentation 
(24 hours and 24 hours of laboratory work on the nineth term) and air- 
photography interpretation (28 lesson hours and 14 hours of laboratory 
work on the sixth term). 
Contents of all these curricula are definited by profile of education the 
would be engineer. He has to know theory of photogrammetry, image inter- 
pretation and methods of their application to map compilation, arrangement 
and utilisationof photogrammetrical devices, theory and mathematical 
methods of photogrammetrical data processing, economy, management and plan- 
ning of airsurveys as well as topographic works. 
The photogrammetry curriculum contains four divisions: introduction, close 
range photogrammetry, aerial photogrammetry, space one. 
Besides definition, basic tracks and condenced history of photogrammetry 
there are an interpretation Of connections to other subjects in introduction 
as well as optical principles of perspective spatial model and methods 
of aerial photography observation and measuring. Fundamental formulas of 
close range photogrammetry are generated by vector method in the very common 
kind that permits their easy use for aerial photogrammetry also. Sufficient 
attention is given to cameras for close range photography, to optical in- 
struments used to determine the rectangular coordinates of points and to 
plans and profiles compilation of photographed objects. In labs every stu- 
dent studies arrangement of these instruments and methods of their usage 
for solving topographical and non-topographical problems. On the lecture 
sessions systematic errors influence, methods of their elimination, analysis 
of close range survey accuracy are given. 
Aerial photogrammetry division consists of two parts. The first one contains 
analysis of a single photograph, rectified photographs, phototriangulation 
and topographic survey using the aerial mosaics. 
Students study arrangement of photorectifiers, rectify photographs, set 
up a controlled mosaic and develop photogrammetrical horizontal control 
net. The second part is dedicated to the pair of photographs and includes 
a stereoscopic pair analysis, methods of contour lines plotting with use 
of stereoscope and stereocomparator, relative orientation, exterior orien- 
tation, stereoscopic plotting instruments and photographs processing with 
use of them, phototriangulation, computed stereomeasuring stereophoto- 
grammetrical method of map plotting and revision. 7n laboratories students 
study stereoscopes, stereometres, steroplotting instruments and methods 
of processing, bridging by analoguous devices and by analytical method 
with aid of stereocomparator and computer, block analytical aerotriangulation. 
Space photogrammetry division contains basic knowledges on cartographic 
information obtained from artificial Earth satellites and space ships, 
methods of spacé photography for sensing planets and their statellites, 
Lobancv 2

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