Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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have considerably extended the comfort, productivity and reliability of photo- 
Competent application of modern photogrammetry is of great importance for de- 
veloping countries whose planning can only be carried out on the basis of re- 
liable maps. Modern instrument systems are often made available through the in- 
dustrialised nations' aid programs. 
The advantages of highly sophisticated systems, however, can only be used by 
well trained operators, supplied with a better theoretical background than pre- 
viously. The modern operator should better understand what is going on in the 
instrument or computer during the operation in order to make full use of the 
Throughout the world there is a great deficit of skilled operators both with 
fundamental and advanced training. 
In 1979 the International Advanced Training Centre for Photogrammetry Operators 
(IPO) Stuttgart has been established to counteract this deficit by training qua- 
lified people from home and abroad. 
IPO Stuttgart is following this aim in correspondence with ITC Enschede, Nether- 
lands, and SSPO St. Gallen, Switzerland. Regular meetings of representatives 
of these institutions take place every two years in order to exchange experience, 
to adapt training programs or to discuss different levels of courses. 
The following sections will inform you about the experience gained at IPO up 
to now and the courses which will be offered in the near future. Four time tables 
and a table of instruments give a sketch of the present course conditions. 
2. Experience gained during the first courses 
First advanced course for 14 Filipinos 
After a compact course of 3 months in 1979 the first fulltime course with 14 
Filipinos started under expecially favourable conditions in January, 1980: The 
participants have been tested in their country and selected out of 28 candidates 
by an IPO staff member. (The authority in the Philippines, however, did not fol- 
low exactly the result of this test. So one participant e.g. was even not able 
to see stereoscopically!). 
All members of this course had reached the BC degree of geodetic, civil or me- 
chanical engineering at the University of Manila, 3 of them had already practical 
experience in photogrammetry. The whole: group had been theoretically prepared 
for the course by a specialist of photogrammetry in the country. 
On the other hand the instrumentation of the IPO was not yet sufficient for the 
large group and was installed in two neighbouring buildings. Nevertheless, the 
autonomy of the participants, their theoretical background and their modesty 
have contributed to a successful termination of the course at the end of June, 
1980: 13 candidates have received their "diploma of advanced training" - 4 of 
them after having repeated some examination. They are at present working at a 
National Cartographic Centre in Manila where they are supported in their project 
by the first instructor of IPO for two years - as part of the technical aid for 
the Federal Republic of Germany. 
Mohl 2 

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