Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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Commission Vi 
Symposium held in Mainz, FR Germany, 22 - 25 September 1982 
mme — 
Proceedings Part 6: EDUCATION 
President Com.VI Hothmer (FR Germany) : Working Group VI -9 had been initi- 
ated with Prof. Oprescu (Romenia) as Chairman. Unfortunately, his Government 
did not decide within a year to approve his appointment. We are, therefore, 
grateful to Prof.Badekas (Greece) for having accepted the responsibility for 
this Working Group. 
Chairman Brandenberger (Canada): I think it is interesting for the audience 
to hear some details from Dr.Ghosh on the Ile -Ife Conference which was held 
just a month ago. 
Prof. Ghosh (Canada): This first African Regional Conference on Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing Education took place at Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 16- 18 August 
1982. It was jointly organized by Dr.S.0.Ihemadu, Director, Regional Centre 
for Training in Aerial Surveys (RECTAS) at Ile-Ife, and myself. The confer- 
ence was formally opened by Prof. A. Adedeji, Under Secretary General United 
Nations, and Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Africa in Addis 
Ababa, Ethiopia. 32 participants from 8 countries attended. We had 15 presen- 
tations and four panel discussions concerning the problems of photogrammetry 
and remote sensing education in African countries. The Conference ended up 
with 15 recommendations staking out new thoughts towards promotion of 
education in Africa. 
President Com.VI Hothmer (FR Germany) : Dr.Ghosh communicated in his paper 
that another Education Conference for SE Asia is scheduled for Kuala Lumpur, 
16 - 19 May 1983, and another for Latin America, 29 June - o1 July 1983. It is 
my duty to invite on behalf of Commission VI substantive contributions for 
these Conferences. I request all participants of this Symposium to forward 
this call for papers to all interested individuals in their respective 
countries, and to share our endeavours making these Conferences a full success. 
Prof. Brandenberger (Canada) : We are grateful for the paper of Dr.Mohl on 
the IPO Stuttgart. I regret that the SSPO in St.Gallen did not make a similar 
presentation. I am convinced that institutions like the IPO Stuttgart, the 
SSPO St.Gallen and the RECTAS Ile ~Ife are very useful. More such regional 
training centers should be established. An appropriate coordination among 
the programs of these centers is desirable. 
President ISPRS Doyle (USA) : I suggest that any regional training center be 
developed in conjunction with the International Cartographic Association ICA. 
Mr. Coker (Nigeria): Cooperation of countries for promoting education and 
training should be directed more towards establishing and strengthening local 
institutions rather than offering fellowships to candidates for studying in 
the donor countries. The latter attracts beneficiaries to donor countries 
and tends to weaken rather than strengthen local institutions, because these 
local institutions will be deprived of the attendance of candidates who 
naturally would prefer free training overseas compared to local training. A 
good example is the aid being given by the Netherland Government. They used 

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