Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

; TO: Anybody concerned SUBJECT: Working Groups, Mailing List pate: Nov 1982 
WG VI = Sat 
WG VI - 10: 
WG VI = 11 3 
Promotion of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Education 
Prof. Dr. Sanjib Ghosh, 
Chairman WG VI - 3 ISPRS, 
Department of Photogrammetry, 
Laval University, 
Quebec G1K 7P4, Canada 
Collection of Syllabi 
Prof. John Badekas, 
Chairman WG VI - 9 ISPRS, 
Laboratory of Photogrammetry, 
National Technical University, 
Patission 42, 
Athen 147, Greece 
Standards for Education in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
Prof. Alfred Adamec, 
Chairman WG VI - o ISPRS, 
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, 
Department of Surveying, 
Box 2476 V GPO, 
Melbourne, Vic 3001, Australia 
Prof.Dr. Caesar Voûte, 
Vice Chairman WG VI - 1o ISPRS (Remote Sensing) 
International Institute for Aerial Survey 
and Earth Sciences (ITC), 
P.O.Box. 5, 
7500 AA Enschede, Netherlands 
Christian Paresi, 
Vice Chairman WG VI - 10 ISPRS (Photogrammetry), 
International Institute for Aerial Survey 
and Earth Sciences (ITC), 
P.0.Box 6, 
7500 AA Enschede, Netherlands 
Symbols for Publications in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
Dr. Jürgen Pietschner, 
Chairman WG VI - 11 ISPRS, 
c/o Kammer der Technik, 
Postfach 1315, 
1086 Berlin, Germany DR 

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