Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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3.4. Videotex Terminals 
Videotex terminals operate according to the asynchronous data 
transmission method. But the data are presented in a special format 
and page mode on the television screen. For the access to the data 
bases in a host computer with videotex terminals it is absolutely 
necessary that the "terminal handler", i.e. a special program of 
the host computer's software, is adapted to the requirements of the 
videotex terminals. Actually this adaptation is not provided as a 
real standard by the computer manufacturers but rather results 
from the initiative of individual information centers. 
Dr. Hans E. Bauer is deputy head of the 
Section of Technology of the Society for 
Information and Documentation at Frankfurt, 
FR Germany. He received a Doktor-degree 
in Science in 1960. After some years work 
in the promotion and organization of docu- 
mentation he has been deputy head of the 
Section of Technology since 1969. 
Bauer 5 

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