Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

Figure 2 
These values were 0.1 mm and 0.5 mm respeC- 
tively at full scale, relative to the 
University's control. The larger height error 
was subsequently found to be at least partly 
attributable to the deformation of the base 
board when the component was placed on it for 
photography. The rms residual parallax was 
0.09 mm at full scale, with a maximum of 
0.24 mm. 
It can be argued that improved and more 
consistent results could be obtained with a 
purpose-built grid/height control unit. The 
flatness of the grid base is critical, as well 
as its ability to withstand the rigours of 
travel and heavy components without distortion. 
Such a unit could be designed with portability 
and quick assembly in mind, as well as 
provision for camera mountings. 
The final absolute accuracy of the results 
is dependent upon the definition of the 
manufacturer's datum. Certainly in this case 
the definition was unreliable as the marked 
points that were measured showed a standard 
error of 0.7 mm from their control positions, 
which is about 30% larger than the standard 
error of the photogrammetry itself. 
Better results could be obtained from scribing 
on metal components or possibly by defining 
the datum and axis orientations relative to 
distinct features on the component. 
7.2 Future Developments 
In a production line with a purpose-built 
camera/control frame and adequate photo- 
grammetric and computing facilities, a 
digital representation of a component could 
be produced in a few hours. The 
representation could consist of coordinates 
of premarked points or numerical profiles 
and sections. A purely graphical representa- 
tion would require more time but components 
could be processed at least on a daily basis. 
A close liaison between the photogrammetrist 
and the motor vehicle engineer is essential. 
The photogrammetrist must understand the 
significance of the measurements required by 
the engineer before the full potential of 
photogrammetric techniques is to be realized 
in this field. 

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