Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

gates, or of facets of individual pieces of 
aggregate, what we are endeavouring to mea- 
sure is often determined by the grainsize and 
arrangements of the mineral crystals of which 
the rock (from which the aggregate is produ- 
ced by crushing) is composed. Facets of most 
pieces of road aggregate deviate from plane 
surfaces by amounts which are small compared 
with the gauge of the aggregate. It is the 
patterns and magnitudes of these small devia- 
tions which we must measure. 
Measurement of such patterns and magnitudes 
may not be impossible by contact metrological 
methods, but it would certainly be tedious, 
time-consuming and costly. 
In studying the macroscopic textures of pave- 
ments, while units of portrayal change by a 
factor of a thousand - from micrometres to 
millimetres - comparable comments apply. That 
is, road surfaces deviate from plane surfaces 
by amounts which are small in relation, for 
instance, to magnitudes such as the foot or 
the metre. And we remain interested in por- 
traying the patterns and magnitudes of these 
small deviations, as complex as those of 
aggregate facets. And again, measurements of 
these patterns and magnitudes by contact met- 
rological methods would be tedious, time- 
consuming and costly. 
Non-contact Metrology Means Remote Sensing 
In contemplating non-contact metrological 
methods, there are not many choices. Optical 
methods are available, of course, using micro- 
Scopes for which movements of the optical 
axis can be measured and recorded. Or it is 
possible to use a narrow light-slit and to 
photograph its trace on a surface. Or it is 
possible to acquire imagery of the surfaces 
to be studied and to take or to perform 
measurements using such imagery. 
Photographic imagery is that most familiar, 
in which use is made of a lens System and of 
an emulsion which is sensitive to some seg- 
ment or segments of the electromagnetic 
Spectrum. But there are other types of sen- 
sors using linescan techniques, as have been 
developed for use in satellite and airborne 
studies of characteristics of the earth's 
surface or the surfaces of the moon and the 
planets. Another linescan sensor is the 
scanning-electron-microscope (SEM) which has 
great versatility in producing imagery of 
surfaces at magnified ratios up to many thou- 
sands. Whether we use photographic sensors or 
Scanning sensors, the methods come under the 
general category of remote sensing. 
The Photogrammetric Method 
The geometry of the remotely-sensed image is 
important in its measurement. From a single 
image, whether it is compiled by a series of 
linescan images or by the instantaneous ex- 
posure of a photographic image, we can gene- 
rally establish one spatial direction between 
a point in space (which can be identified) and 
any image point. To do so we must know the 
geometry of the "bundle of rays" which con- 
stituted the image and either reconstitute 
that bundle or understand the consequences 
of failure to do so. 
In topographic photogrammetric practice, the 
Systems used include aerial survey cameras of 
known calibration and restitution instruments 
which can reconstitute the bundles or rays of 
constituent photographs of stereo-pairs within 
known tolerances. With two images of any point, 
two spatial directions can be established and 
the intersection of those two directions de- 
fines a unique point in space. 
With two overlapping images (a pair of con- 
jugate photographs) the procedures of "rela- 
tive orientation" involve a spatial resection 
with five degrees of freedom. Following rela- 
tive orientation there is in the photogramme- 
tric instrument a spatial model of the object 
or scene photographed, which closely approa- 
ches the spatial geometry of that object or 
Scene at some arbitrary scale and with an un- 
known spatial orientation. For the purposes 
of studying surface textures, interest may be 
restricted to establishing the absolute para- 
meters of scale. (In topographic photogram- 
metry it is usual to establish the other ab- 
solute parameters of azimuth and gradients in 
two axis directions, plus the coordinates of 
one point, but those six parameters are of no 
interest for the purposes introduced in this 
Where use is made of image acquisition sys- 
tems which are not geometrically calibrated 
cameras, the whole system of image acquisi- 
tion and evaluation needs to be calibrated 
for an appreciation of the significance of 
observations taken with such a system. In the 
work reported in this paper, no attempt has 
been made to calibrate the image acquisition 
Systems separately, but an assessment of the 
significance of observations taken by the 
whole image acquisition and evaluation sys- 
tems has been attempted. Relevant procedures 
will be described in some detail. 
An aspect of these procedures which deserves 
emphasis is that, with no exact knowledge of 
such parameters of the image acquisition sys- 
tem as its principal distance (focal length) 
it must be assumed that the spatial model 
produced in the photogrammetric restitution 
instrument is an affine model. That is, the 
scale in planimetry must be assumed to differ 
from the scale in height. 
Angular Fields in Parallel-Axis Stereograms 
An objective in initiating and pursuing the 
studies of textures undertaken was to avoid, 
at least in the early stages, the purchase of 
expensive items of equipment. It was aimed to 
use either inexpensive items or items to which 
ready access was available. A problem which 
soon became evident was that spatial measure- 
ments in photogrammetric instruments rely on 
stereoscopic parallax and that the angular 
fields of camera-microscopes are very narrow. 
Thus, although facilities existed for moving 
the objects photographed by the camera- 
microscope system, to give any desired over- 
lap (such as the sixty percent which is nor- 
mal in aerial photogrammetric practice) doing 
So did not result in significant stereoscopic 
As was mentioned in the acknowledgements, this 
work was pursued in collaboration with the 
personnel of the National Measurement Labora- 
tory of the C.S.I.R.O in Sydney. Arrangements 
were made in that Organisation for manufac- 

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