Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

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X Theodolite Station. 
—— Me f"hhe direction of X axis. 
Figure 1 - Geometric layout of the core and the 
theodolite stations. 
So far one has the vertical and the horizon- 
tal directions of all the inserts on each 
face of the core which are measured from two 
theodolite stations. These theodolite measure- 
ments are used to calculate the inserts co- 
ordinates X, Y and Z. These co-ordinates are 
referred to a known system of axes in the 
field with an origin as the position of the 
first insert on that face. The X axis is a 
horizontal line defined on each face of the 
core. The Z direction is a vertical line 
(plumb bob direction). The procedure of com- 
puting the insert co-ordinates X, Y and Z from 
the theodolite measurements is carried out as 
- Calculate the theodolite image co-ordinates 
for the theodolite measurements at each 
- Perform the relative orientation of one of 
theodolite images of each face relative to 
the other one. 
- Calculate the inserts co-ordinates. 
More details about these steps are given next. 
Theodolite Image 
A theodolite image is defined as an imaginary 
image which would be formed by an imaginary 
camera having the following orientation: 
- The perspective center of the imaginary 
camera coincides with the point of inter- 
section of the theodolite horizontal and 
vertical axes. 
- The optical axis of that camera is parallel 
to the plane of the theodolite horizontal 
circle and perpendicular to the base line 
between the two theodolite stations. 
- The principal distance of the imaginary 
camera can be assumed equal to any value C. 
Knowing the horizontal and vertical directions 
of an insert measured from a theodolite sta- 
tion, one can calculate their corresponding 
theodolite image co-ordinates. The relations 
between the horizontal and the vertical direc- 
tions (a ,8 ) of an insert and the theodolite 
image co-ordinates (x , z ) are given in 
Abdel-Aziz and Karara (1). According to fi- 
gure 2 these relations can be written in 
these forms: 

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