Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

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Van den Berg: (Continued) 
The FIG Commission 6 has five Working Groups, dealing with measuring methods 
and measuring tolerances for the building industry, deformation measurements, 
earth volume measurements, for which Working Group Prof Linkwitz who is with 
us to-day, has been the chairman for many years, underground utility measure- 
ments, and gyrotheodolites. Now for the ISP-FIG combined action we can al- 
ready very spontaneously pick out things like check measurements and quality 
control. There has been a lot of discussion about it, to do it the photo- 
grammetric way, déformation measurements and such. I do not think that 
setting out a building with a camera can be realized very easily, but there 
is nothing which can stop us from dreaming of projecting the geometrical 
base line scheme on the side with the aid of a slide and a projector. It 
has been discussed. Why not? 
An example of co-operation between the FIG, the land surveyors, and the 
building people, is the FIG work within the ISO (International Standards 
Organization), and the International Council for Building Research, where 
we have worked or assisted in working out standards and recommendations for 
setting out check measurements in building, and also quality control. I am 
sure that this is an item where the ISP can enter into the picture. 
Now keeping in mind all the measuring tasks that people throw on our tables, 
or ask us to do, and going through the Proceedings for this symposium, I 
have no difficulty in agreeing with the well known statement, and I think 
the president of the FIG reminded us of that statement in Paris the other 
day, that almost everything in our life here on earth is controlled by 
geometry. And this perhaps can lead us to another aspect, just to observe 
that there are still a lot of people who do not have the slightest idea of 
what land surveying or photogrammetry is. Everybody knows what an architect 
is. Everybody knows what a building engineer is, not to mention a dentist. 
But concerning land surveying it may be a little worse. I think that in 
the kind of co-operation that we are going to establish between the ISP 
Commission V and FIG Commission 6 we have a good opportunity, not to say 
a better opportunity, during our contacts with all these outsiders, to 
do some more publicity so that we may change this unbalance a few degrees. 
Thank you very much. 

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