Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B7)

Mario Gonzales 
San Marcos National University 
Lima - Perd 
This paper introduces the main problems of 
the use of the Remote Sensing Techniques. 
evaluation of natural disasters, 
througt Satellite Images, Aerial 
about happenings in the peruvian regions. 
KEY WORDS : Geographical problems, Remote Sensing. 
Peru is situated at the central - occidental 
regi on of South Ameri ca between 00?01 '48" and 
18 21'3" SL and 68739'27" WL, it's extension 
is 1'285,216 square kilometers of territory 
and 200 mil es of maritime boundaries. 
1.1. Geographic Characteristics 
The geographic diversity of the peruvian territo- 
ry is generally scheme into three natural 
regions: Coast, Andean, and Jungle having 
each of them its own particulary characteristics 
which represent a challenge for development . 
Peruvian amazony has an extension of 756,865.60 
square Kilometers represent ing the 58.59% 
of the total extension of Peru. It has been 
divided in two different Zones considering 
its altitud low jungle below 800 m. and high 
jungle between 800 - 3,800 m. The climate 
conditions, type of soils and water regime 
bring up the Amazony into a rich saniety 
of flora and fauna species. Howeven the real 
richeness of the amazony comes to be in the 
forest since that higt 
get a rapid organic 
and provide the forest 
a very important rol since 
between aquatics and land  ecosistems allows 
the forest maintance such as the case of soo 
species of fish in the peruvian amazony which 
get nutrients from hydric regimens, on the 
nol of the fauna on the polinization, there 
is no possibility of living without this interac- 
temperature and humidity 
matter descomposi t i on 
nutrition watens play 
the interdependence 
tion. In true natural productivity will be 
permanent in the extent that the amazony does 
not change its natural state. 
They can be summanized this way 
3.1. Deforestation 
It is a general problem not only for the peruvian 
but for the whole amazony there anually it 
is estimated that 2 million hectareas are 
destroyed being in Peru 300,000 has; one of 
the factors which contribute to its devastation 
are; building of communication vials, made 
with the porpuse of extracting natural resources 
cause forest destruction as it is appreciated 
in the vial ways Perene - Satipo, Aguaytia 
- Pucallpa, Moyobarba - Rioja and the valley 
of Chanchamayo. 
there would had been a prepared 
Perphaps if 
the natural 
Problems such as deforestation, narcotrafic, colonization, 
cartography, urban development, and fishing devel opment are analized 
photographs which are destined to get the highest degree of information 
regions of Peru which solutions are based on 
a plan and financial aid at the state level 
to orient people it could had been avoided 
the devastation; in the same way the nature 
tribes who did a hight soil and forest management 
were displaced and replaced by colonus who 
clean up big areas for agriculture and harvest 
purposes becoming the main  responsibles of 
deforestation laten on the narcotrafic actions 
also contributed to it. It is | calculated 
that they have destroyed 800,000 hectareas 
in the amazony. The ecologyc effects are: 
Alteration of hydric regime and forests - 
pooring of soils accelerated - Fauna extinction 
- lack of natural high productivity - soils 
erosion causing floods and "Huaycos". 
3.2. Narcotrafic 
had  incremented since 
from 1980 up to 1990, 
production was 11,000 TM 
was 50,000 TM and 1990 it has been 
in 200,000 TM. Which represents 
60% of the total amazony production having 
Bolivia the 30% and the last 10% produced 
by Ecuator and Brasil. The best quality of 
coca leaves are attributed to Perü. For the 
monitoring and control of coca plantations 
it is of the great necessity to get precise 
informetion through remote sensing methods. 
The damage produced by narcotrafic reaches 
besides of soils erosion the ecosistems pol lu” - 
tion, since the coca leaves transformation 
in PBC takes place in hiddem areas of the 
amazony where the wastes are trown out nivers 
affecting waters putting in algaes etc in 
danger of extintion fish and with the danger 
of biologic chain breaking out besides of 
affecting to man. We considered that airport 
localization is a priority for this problem 
because of, trading is made in clandestinity 
from the peruvian amazony to the other countries, 
The coca plantations 
1974 up to 1980 and 
in 1959 peruvian 
in 1980 
alternative plantations is the second task 
such as cacao, oil palm and rubber. Both 
actions require of Remote Sensing methods 
and equipment. 
3.3. Colonization 
From 1980 to 1985 there were national proyects 
oriented to increase agropecuary, forestal 
and agroindustrial production and at the same 
time preserve resources and increase population 
life level, pichiz palcazu, Alto Mayo, Alto 
Huallaga and Madre de Dios are an exanple. 
However. the had not the right planification, 
and were abandoned to its own conduction, 
with the results of bead use soils, polllution 
and deforestation. 

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