Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

y 8 
The two application cases are slightly different in the 
methodology adopted due to the difference of city extent. 
4. 1 Chengdu City 
The main objective of the project is to detect the base value 
of city land up to each estate. Procedure used in the project 
is the combination of sampling investigation and historical 
data with the assistance of CLAS. First, find out the weight 
of factor and element using Delphi method. Secondly, 
calculate the effect value of each factor and element by "the 
assessment method of grid coordinate integrated effect 
value". Next, the determination of land class relies on "the 
division method on the total effect value frequency" and " 
the division on the sectional drawing of total effect value". 
At last, the calculation of estate base value adopts the 
estimate of differential profit, in combination with the 
stripping of differential rent and surplus value, based on 
land class. 5 ! 
During the procedure, the CLAS play an important role at 
stages of effect value calculation of each factor, land grade 
classification and final presentation. 
4. 1. 1 Effect value calculation 
The determination of effect value use the raster data 
analysis procedure. Base map is on the scale of 1;15,000. 
The map was segmented into a 60-by-70 raster image. The 
total area evaluated is about 21262. 5 hectares, which 
includes the built-up area and the near suburbs. Each cell 
has an area of 5. 0625 hectares, which meets the 
requirements of the National Regulations. 
Digitize all the distribution maps of 28 elements, including 
those of point, line and polygon. Key in the apposite effect 
radius and the correction coefficient for road. 
The calculation of effect value of each factor includes three 
stages. First, calculate the effect value for 28 elements 
respectively. Secondly, calculate the effect value of nine 
factors from the result of elements. Finally, calculate the 
grand total effect value by weighted sum. 
Different algorithms to calculate the effect value of each 
element are identical with point, line and polygon 
respectively. The point element has an effect radius and the 
effect value attenuates with linear or index correlation to the 
distance from the point. The line element has an effect zone 
which best fits the algorithms of buffering. The polygon 
element has a difference between inside and outside. The 
inner part of a polygon has a unified effect value. The outer 
part of a polygon suits the similar algorithms for the point 
element. Fig. 2 shows a typical algorithm to calculate effect 
value of point factor in raster data set. 
4. 1. 2 Determination of land class 
The assistant tools for the determination of land class and 
estate base value includes frequency drawing, sectional 
drawing, and contour of the total effect value. 
4. 1. 3 Output 
The computer screen is the essential medium to show the 
results of city land assessment. Except maps and images, 
there are 2-D and 3-D histograms resulted from statistical 
4. 2 Dongsheng 
The determination of estate base value was based on land 
profit and trade price in the basic unit of land class. The 
similar methods are used at the corresponding stage of land 
assessment to Chengdu City. The methods include " the 
Delphi method" for the estimate of effect value of each basic 
unit, and "the division on the total effect value frequency" 
and "the division on the sectional drawing of total effect 
value" for the determination of land class. 
The base map scale is 1:2500. The assessment area of the 
town is about 924 hectares with a population of about 40, 
The application of CLAS in the land assessment of 
Dongsheng mainly focuses on the management of resulted 
information. The information includes a data base for each 
estate value and the final assessment map. The final 
thematic maps in the data base include land unit map, 
estate base value map, land class map, and land sample 
point map. The map projection routines for the 
transformation between Guess-Craig and latitude/longitude 
provide the basis for the match of maps from different 
resources. Fig. 3 shows the operational flow and the final 
system components for Dongsheng. 
Read next pixel? 
Within effect 
Compute/renew effect value 
Fig. 2 Algorithm for effect value 
calculation from point samples 
The increasing demand from the land management 
departments and organizations prompt the further expansion 
of the software package to include modules to manage 
estate and household information and build more 
sophisticated legend/graphic library. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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