Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

study area 
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je equal to 
the study 
area. Equation 1 shows that the mean vector 
of the study area can be expressed as the 
summation of the weighted mean vectors of the 
training data. The weights of the mean 
vectors of the training data are the a priori 
probabilities of the training categories. 
Io[k] - X X[i.j.k]/*, 
= V Y a[h,i,j] *It[h, k] / 
ij h=1 15) 
XD (Xa[h,i,j)/ 2 * It[h,K] 
h=1 ij ij 
Y, A[h] + I[h,K] oon. (eq.1) 
X[ijk].- Y a[h,ij] * It[h,k]---(eq.2) 
IIh.kl- HET... rt n (eq.3) 
alh,i,j1=0, X albhi,jl=1 
Alh]= X alb,ij1 /X 
A[h] 2 0, Y A[h]=1 
(Mean vectors of landcovers in the study area 
are very close to those of the training data.) 
H: Number of landcovers 
K: Number of bands of image data 
h: Landcover ID No. (1 to H) 
i,j: X,Y-coordinates of the image in the 
study area 
k: Band ID No. (1 to K) 
Io[k]: Mean vectors of the study area 
I[h,k]: Mean vectors of Landcover [h] in 
the study area 
It[h,k]: Mean vectors of landcover 
training data [h] 
A[h]: Area ratio of landcover[h] in 
the study area(unit: IFOV) 
a[h,i,j]: Area ratio of landcover[h] in 
the IFOV of pixel[i,j] (unit: IFOV) 
X[i,j,k]: Image data vector pixel[i,j] 
The area ratios of landcovers in the study 
area can be estimated from the image by 
applying the algorithm of the decomposition 
of mixed data. We can improve the landcover 
classification accuracy by introducing the 
area ratios of  landcovers into the Bayes' 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
classifier as a priori probabilities of 
landcovers in the study area. 
Methods to decompose mixed data, 
especially  mixels, have been presented 
[Inamura 1987, Ito 1987,Matsumoto 1991]. The 
algorithm which was presented by Matsumoto 
(1991) was applied to decompose mixed data 
into landcover categories in this reseach. 
This algorithm performs better than other 
algorithms, because it takes account variances 
of data distribution. 
The method to decompose mixed data which 
has been presented by Matsumoto [1991] is 
shown in the Appendix A. 
3.Results of the estimation of the area ratios 
of landcovers 
Innba district, an area near Tokyo, was 
selected as the study area. The ground truth 
was conducted on March 16, 1994 around this 
area. The seven bands of TM image data(path 
107 row 35,radiometrically calibrated, 
resampled by cubic convolution) of Landsat-5 
acquired on April 22, 1994 were analyzed. 
Seven training categories(Paddy field, 
Forest,Upland field, Waste land, Water body, 
Residential area, Sports ground) were 
selected. These training areas were selected 
from the whole study area, and then their 
signatures were calculated in this area. 
Moreover, separability of those training data 
was repeatedly examined. Seven small study 
sites, where the area ratios of landcovers 
were also measured using the ground truth 
data, were selected from the study area. Each 
small study site had two to five landcovers 
(Table 1). After the mean vectors of each 
small study site were computed, they were 
decomposed into landcover categories by the 
method of the maximum likelihood estimation. 
Landcovers on the ground truth map were 
digitized and those areas were computed on the 
high resolution digital image data. On the 
other hands, classified pixels to  landcovers 
in the study sites were counted, considering 
pixels on the boundary of study sites. The 
pixel on the boundary was assumed that that 
pixel contained 50$ of the landcover category 
to which that pixel was classified. Then, the 
area of each landcover was computed by 
multiplying the area of IFOV on the ground. 
The estimation errors of the landcovers in 
each small study site are shown in Table 2. 
The area ratios of landcovers in each small 
study site was estimated well.

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