Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Xiuguang Zhou, Egon Dorrer 
Inst. f. Photo. u. Karto., Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany 
ISPRS Commission , Working Group WG III/2 
KEY WORDS: Cartography, Surface, Understanding, Research, Experiment, Computer Vision, Photometric Model, 
Image De-shading System. 
A de-shading problem is presented in this paper. By using a brightness image and its associated height image, the de-shading 
problem is stated by estimating the approximate photometric model, the surface reflectance properties and an improved precision of 
the given height image. Proposed is a de-shading system. It contains a training frame and a working frame. In the training frame, a 
probing algorithm is proposed to determine the approximate photometric model amongst some candidate models. In the working 
frame, a region growing algorithm based on least square fitting is proposed to determine the inhomogeneous surface reflectance 
properties and a shape from shading algorithm is applied to improve the precision of the given height image. Synthetic images 
generated by using the Lambertian model and the Torrance-Sparrow model were used as test images in the experiments. The results 
are given to illustrate the usefulness of our approach. 
There are some common interesting topics in computer vision, 
remote sensing, photogrammetry, cartography and their relative 
communities, such as shaded-relief, surface reflectance 
properties, photometric model, the direction of the light source 
and shape from shading (SFS). As is well known, shaded-relief 
(shading) is to illuminate a surface by using a given light source 
or multiple light sources (Brassel, 1973; Horn, 1982; Zhou and 
Dorrer, 1995). The surface reflectance properties are important 
to study material properties. This is of interest in remote 
sensing for observing Earth and the planets. Recently, the 
surface reflectance properties have been determined by using 
the range and brightness data (Bibro and Snyder, 1988; Ikeuchi 
and Sato, 1991; Kay and Caelli, 1994). Shade recovery is a 
classic problem in computer vision. One of the techniques to 
recover shape is shape-from-shading, which deals with the 
recovery of shape from a gradual variation of shading in the 
image (Ikeuchi and Horn, 1981; Pentland, 1984; Brooks and 
Horn, 1985; Lee and Rosenfeld, 1985; Zheng and Cellappa, 
1991; Kimmel and Bruckstein, 1995). There exists quite a 
number of photometric models, such as the widely used 
Lambertian model, the famous Torrance-Sparrow model 
(Torrance and sparrow, 1967) and the Phong model (Phong, 
1975). These models are used to describe reflectance maps. 
The so-called de-shading in this paper deals with the above 
topics. Briefly, de-shading is to remove the natural illumination 
from an image to obtain the original information of the object in 
the image. It is the inverse procedure of shading. As known, a 
shading procedure is to generate an illuminated image by using 
the given light source, photometric model, albedo or surface 
reflectance properties and the height image (digital terrain 
model, DTM). Inversely, if one has an image (maybe a remote 
sensing image) and its associated height image (maybe a DTM), 
the following questions might be interesting. What is the 
approximate photometric model of the image? Where is the 
light source for the image? What are the reflectance properties 
of the surface? How to increase the precision of the existing 
DTM if it is not accurate enough? De-shading tries to solve 
these problems. 
De-shading is very useful in different application fields such as 
computer vision, remote sensing, photogrammetry and 
cartography, etc. In the area of remote sensing, e.g., as more 
and more DTMs are being successfully generated, one may 
want to use the DTM to study the surface properties of the 
Earth or other planets. Due to some inadequate conditions (e.g. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
inadequacy of matching algorithm, insufficient information in 
the shadow region or errors of the interpolation, etc.), the 
precision of the DTM may be insufficient. Therefore, to 
increase the precision of an existing DTM is of great important. 
Also, one may want to mosaic two remote sensing images with 
different directions of illumination. For this problem, we need 
first to remove the illuminations of both images (de-shading), 
then re-shade the de-shaded images with an assigned 
illumination direction based on the obtained proper photometric 
model, reflectance properties and improved precision of the 
As is known, the visual brightness image is the signal recorded 
from one or more sensor(s). The sensor receives the visual light 
reflected from the surface of the object. The reflected light 
comes from the source light which strikes the surface. If the 
illumination of an image is removed, what will remain? 
Roughly, there will be nothing to be seen. Because no light 
source means no visual information. But if we consider the 
information recorded on an image, there should be something 
"hidden" under the illumination. The information of a visual 
image may contain: the direction and energy of the light source, 
the reflectance properties of the surface, the geometric 
information of the surface, the photometric model information, 
the atmospheric affecting information, the noise information 
and so on. Obviously, even if the illumination were taken out, 
some image information still exists. In other words, some of the 
information hidden in the visual grey values is possible to be 
estimated. Of course, it is very difficult to get some of the 
information listed above (may not be possible to obtain if there 
are not enough additional conditions). We named the process of 
obtaining some of the hiding image information as de-shading. 
In the following, the definition, the task and the inputs-outputs 
of the de-shading are given. 
Definition of de-shading: Remove the natural expressive 
illumination from a visual image to obtain the original 
information of the object and the information in the imagery. 
Task of de-shading: Given a real image and its associated 
approximate height image, the task of de-shading is to obtain 
the photometric model approximating the real image, the 
albedo or surface reflectance properties, the direction of the 
light source and the improved height image which has a higher 
precision than the approximate input height image. 
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