Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

phica information sci- 
ical Information Sys- 
ormation Geography. 
1 workshop on Geo- 
Beijing, pp.200—204 
for GIS/ LIS? Asia 
lysis conference, Hong 
of dynamic change on 
umision [I proceeding 
Xiaoyong CHEN 
AAS Research Institute, 
Asia Air Survey Co., LTD. , 
8-10, Tamura-Cho, Atsugi-Shi, Kanagawa 243, JAPAN 
Commission III, Working Group III/IV 
KEY WORDSS: GIS Theory, Integration, Metric Topology, Spatial Relations, Spatial Reasoning. 
In this paper, after an introduction to the basic ideas and notations of metric topology, a integrated theory of spatial relations (such 
as metric, order and topology) between sets is developed in which the relations are defined in terms of the intersections of the 
boundaries, interiors and exteriors of two dynamically generated sets based on the Hausdorff metric. Then some extended models 
are presented mainly for quantitatively deriving spatial relations between partially separated objects and objects in constrained 
spaces. Finally, examples for integrally reasoning different kind of spatial relations are given and some potential applications of 
presented theories in GIS area are also suggested. 
Conditions among spatial data are commonly expressed in 
terms of spatial prepositions or spatial relations. The spatial 
relations are often classified into metric (distances and 
directions), order (partial or total order) and topology three 
groups. Over the passed few years, the investigation of formal 
and sound methods of describing spatial relations have received 
unprecedented attention in the GIS area. Much progress has 
been made, particularly in the area of formalizing topological 
relations based on the mathematically well-defined 4/9- 
intersection model [Egenhofer and Franzosa, 1991, 1994; 
Egenhofer and Herring, 1991; Mark and Egenhofer, 1995]. In 
the meantime, many investigations also have been made for 
quantitatively deriving metric relations [Frank 1992; Peuquet 
and Zhang, 1987; Chen et al., 1995], and partial or total order 
relations [Kainz et al., 1993]. However, unlike the studies of 
topological relations, formalizations of metric and order 
relations are generally based on a diversity of models. How to 
integrally derive different kinds of spatial relations between 
sets (non-point-like) based on an mathematically well-defined 
unified algebra framework is still an open problem up to now. 
This lack of an integrated comprehensive theory of spatial 
relations has been a major impediment for solving many 
sophisticated problems in GIS, such as formally deriving 
complex spatial relations among spatial objects with multiple 
representations or uncertainties, integrally reasoning metric, 
order and topological spatial relations, and generation of the 
related standards for transferring spatial relations. 
This paper focuses on the development of the unified algebra 
framework and associated models for deriving different kinds of 
spatial relations between sets. At first, after an introduction to 
the basic ideas and notations of metric topology, a integrated 
theory of spatial relations between sets is developed in which 
the relations are defined in terms of the intersections of the 
boundaries, interiors and exteriors of two dynamically 
generated sets based on the Hausdorff metric. Then some 
extended models are presented mainly for quantitatively 
determining spatial relations between partially separated 
objects and objects in constrained spaces. Finally, examples for 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
integrally reasoning different kind of spatial relations are given 
and some potential applications of presented theory in GIS area 
are also suggested. 
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: Chapter 2 
firstly reviews some related fundamental definitions. In chapter 
3 a integrated theory of spatial relations is developed based on 
the metric topology theory and the dynamic 9-intersections. 
Chapter 4 contains some extensions of the presented theories 
and models. Practical algorithms and examples for integrally 
reasoning different kind of spatial relations are given in chapter 
5. In the last chapter conclusions and outlook for further 
research are given. 
2.1. Partially Ordered Sets and Lattices 
(a). Partially ordered sets: Let P be a set, a partial order on Pis 
a binary relation< on P such that, for every x, y, z €F: 
(1).x< x (reflexive); (2). if x<y and y<x, then x=y 
(antisymmetric); (3). if x<y and y<z, then x<z 
(transitive). A set with a reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive 
relation (order relation) « is called a partially ordered set (or 
(b). Upper and lower bounds: Let P be a poset and $ c P. An 
element x €P is an upper bound of Sif sEx forall seS.A 
lower bound is defined by duality. The set of all upper bounds 
of S is denoted by S^ and the set of all lower bounds is denoted 
by S,.If S’has a least element, it is called the least upper 
bound of S. By duality, if S, has a largest element, it is called 
the greatest lower bound of S. A least upper bound or a greatest 
lower bound is always unique. 
(c). Lattices: A lattice L is a poset in which every pair of 
elements has a least upper bound and a greatest lower bound. A 
lattice is called complete when a greatest lower bound and a 
least upper bound exist for every subset of the poset. It can be

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