wo values for k. The
uch that, for a positive
to that shown in fig.(1)
aoc (15)
r ago > 0
o) ago « O (16)
late the value of 1, k'
and (11) respectively.
of K, L, K' and L’ are
vith a
at K' and L' coincide
. K and L respectively.
are centrally collinear.
the collineation center
athematically, this is a
ce of T with à
nes to a common carte-
id K’ are chosen to be
s, while the axes X and
L' K' respectively. The
ular to them as shown
; will coincide with each
cide as shown in fig.(5).
ormed through several
Vienna 1996
Figure 6: Relationship between Homogeneous and
rectangular coordinates
1. For any finite points, let zo&z, be taken — 1,
then the transformation from the homogeneous
coordinate (1 : z; : z2) to rectangular Ç, (fig.6)
is as follows:
nr. sind
Ç= 11 +n cotô (17a)
and conversely
z2 = n/sin® (17b)
11 =(—n cot0
2. From fig.(6) we get the relation between the
space coordinate (X, Y) and (6, 5) as follows:
Y =" "cos + Csnvy + Yi
X Sauna” +" Ecosdt qoos ooo)
and conversely
é (Y -Yi)sinv + (X-Xi)cosv
7) (Y -Yi)esy - (X-Xi)sinv
where y 24 (X, A14) 7 arctan(Y —Y1)/(Xo —
3. From equation(17) (18), the space coordinates of
K(1:k:0) and L(1:0:1) are found as follows:
XK = X1 + k cos VY (19a)
YK = Y; + ksin y
Xp 2 X, +1cos (y +0) (19b)
YL = Y, +1sin (v +0)
4. Let x 2 4 (X, LK), then
x 2 arctan(Yk — Yz)/(Xk — Xr) (20)
. Finally we get the relation between (X,Y) and
x yy
X =ukk + X cos x — Y sinx (21a)
Vo UmY*R n oXsny u- Yecosy
X = (X-Xxk)cox + (Y-Yx)sinx
Yo. =
—(X — Xr )sin + (Y -Yx)cosx
( K)sinx ( K) fo)
. Similar formulas can be deduced for the im-
age plane, except for Y' having opposite direc-
tion(see fig.(4b)), hence:
QU m X + y cot? (22)
[ler =a Xi hs kf! cosy
K 1
Yi: =. Y cb EF sing (23)
Xp = Xi + ll cos(y' +6) (24)
Ya — y! + I sin(y’ + 0’)
Hs: Y! Y/)
= A A’ AT = t 2 1
v XY ( yt] 2) arc n(x; — x)
— BÓ ————À y? P. Y1)
! zXOU IR tant cette
x. (X. L'K Jerstan( re zy
(X' — X&.) cos x' t- (Y' = Yi.) sin x’
(X' — Xg.)sin x' - (Y' = Yi.) cos x’
Using (21b) and (25), the coordinates of each
point A; and its image point A} relative to the
common system (X — X', Y — Y") can be calcu-
. The common point of intersection between the
lines A;A; (à = 1...4)can now be easily
found. It is the center of perspective collineation
So(X so, Y so); fig(?).
. The space Coordinate of So( X so, Yso) are calcu-
lated from (21a).
From (5) : V,(1 : Ha : 0), hence its coordinates
in space Xvi, Yv1 can be found from (17a) and
(18a). The equation of the line v through Vi
parallel to t will be:
(Ÿ — Yv1) = (X — Xvi)tanx. (26a)
Similarly the equation of t will be :
(Y — Yk) =(X — Xk) tan. (26b)
The distance r = Sov = IY s, — Yv,| can now be
found from (26a) to be:
r= (Ys, = Yy,) cos x 7 (Xs, = Xy, ) sin x| 3
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996