Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Marko Pagko, Michael Gruber 
Institute for Computer Graphics 
Technical University Graz 
Münzgrabenstr. 11 
A-8010 Graz 
email: {pasko,gruber}@icg.tu-graz.ac.at 
www: http: //www.icg.tu-graz.ac.at/” {pasko,gruber} 
Commision Ill, Working Group 11/2 
KEY WORDS: Fusion, 3D GIS, 3D Urban Database, Aerial Photogrammetry, Affine Matching, Roof Skeleton. 
We present a method to reconstruct roofs of a cities’ buildings. The algorithm is based on a fusion process and exploits aerial 
image data and the existing 2D GIS and DTM data. Special attention we offer to the 2D roof skeleton, which is developed 
from the fusion result. The footprint of the building and the roof outline, which is part of the roof skeleton, are merged and 
create the building box. 
Der Beitrag befaßt sich mit der Rekonstruktion von Dachformen im Stadtbereich. Luftbilder und Daten des bestehenden 2D 
GIS sowie Geländehöhen (DTM) werden gemeinsam genutzt. Spezielle Aufmerksamkeit widmen wir dem 2D Dachskelett, 
das aus dem Fusionsprozeß der Quellendaten entsteht. Gebäudegrundriß und Traufenlinie (ein Teil des Dachskeletts) bilden 
gemeinsam die Gebäudegrobform (” building box”). 
Automated recognition and reconstruction of objects from 
images is one of the most important tasks in the ongoing 
development of computer vision and object reconstruction 
disciplines. Not at least it is an issue if the new skills and 
tools of these working areas are used to enhance and improve 
the procedures of automated mapping and documentation 
of the environment [Forstner, Pallaske, 1993]. In the case 
of urban data acquisition and administration we are now 
going towards fully 3D models of towns and need to improve 
our methods to increase the output and the quality of a 
modern and powerful mapping and modelling procedure 
[Leberl et al. 1994], [Gruber et al. 1995a]. 
Beside others we have focused on the reconstruction of 
buildings from aerial images and the exploitation of the 
existing knowledge from other data sources like the 2D GIS 
[Gülch, 1992], [Lang, Schickler 1993], [Haala et al. 1994]. 
This leads to a fusion process, which creates the basic rela- 
tionship between aerial images and the footprint of buildings, 
as it is available from the digital map [Gruber et al. 1995b]. 
We present the key functions of our procedure and show 
the tools and algorithms we use for the detection and 
reconstruction of roofs of buildings. The height of the 
detected roof-outline and the known terrain elevation leads 
to a simple description of the entire building, the so-called 
building box. This initial 3D data set of the entire object 
shall be used for further processes like the enhancement of 
geometrical detail. Finally we have to add the phototexture 
from images to the geometry of the CAD model. This task, 
which has to be done to involve the sterile geometry towards 
a bright and well-rounded database for various usage will be 
supported by image data, which have already been involved 
in our procedure. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
The establishment of fully 3D models of urban environment 
seems to be the next and unavoidable step in improving 
the data for the management of our growing cities. The 
3D data will not only present the geometric relationship of 
objects, but also permit to create photo-realistic renderings 
for various decision making and training tasks. Today we are 
able to exploit powerful computers and strong software to 
create such databases by hand. We have systems to handle 
the source data (e.g. photogrammetric workstations like 
DPWSs to set-up image data and to do stereo restitution), 
to merge and refine data (e.g. 3D CAD systems) and we 
have software to brush up and enhance phototexture (like 
Photoshop from ADOBE). 
There is no doubt, that ongoing work has to concentrate 
onto methods and strategies to increase the throughput 
of the entire modelling process. We are sure that there is 
not only one field of interest where improvement urgently 
needs to be done. Table 1 shows a number of different 
activities, which are key members of the modelling process 
for Cybercities. The amount of labour based on experiences 
during manual modelling and the promise of automation 
(5=heigh, 1—low) is estimated. In addition we show which 
type of equipment is used during each activity. From Table 
1 we see that texture processing and texture mapping needs 
about half the cost of labour within the total procedure. 
This may feed arguments against textured models, which 
we easily contradict by comparing costs and benefits of the 
phototexture. We have also take into consideration that one 
single part of the entire process is not stand-alone but will 
gain from adjacent development (e.g. the automation of the 
texture mapping will be influenced by object reconstruction 
procedure, if digital image data are source data of both, the 
geometry and the texture). 
In the current contribution we pick out a specific task of 

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