Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Detection of Lines in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Scenes 
Olaf Hellwich®, Helmut Mayer* and Gerhard Winkler" 
* Chair for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Technical University Munich 
Arcisstr. 21, D-80290 München, Germany 
T: +49.89.2892.2677, F: +, EMail: olaf@photo.verm.tu-muenchen.de 
"Mathematical Institute, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität 
Theresienstr. 39, D-80333 München, Germany 
EMail: winkler@rz.mathematik.uni-muenchen.de 
KEY WORDS: line extraction, Markov random fields, SAR, interferometry, GIS, feature extraction, fusion. 
Due to the speckle effect of coherent imaging the detection of lines in SAR scenes is considerably more difficult than in optical 
images. In spite of this, users of SAR data strongly demand their reliable and accurate detection. Therefore, a new approach to 
detect lines in noisy images using a Markov random field (MRF) model and Bayesian classification is proposed. The unobservable 
object classes of single pixels are assumed to fulfill the Markov condition, i.e. to depend on the object classes of neighboring 
pixels only. The influence of neighboring line pixels is formulated based on potentials derived from a random walk model. Locally, 
the image data is evaluated with a rotating template. As SAR intensity data is deteriorated by multiplicative noise, the response of 
the line detector is a normalized intensity ratio which results in a constant false alarm rate. The maximum a posteriori (MAP) 
estimate of the object parameters is approximated using simulated annealing. To obtain results with less computational effort the 
iterated conditional modes (ICM) estimator is applied to the maximum likelihood estimate. The approach integrates intensity, 
coherence from interferometric processing of a SAR scene pair, and given Geographic Information System (GIS) data. 
Lines in SAR scenes can be used for precision geocoding of 
SAR scenes or precision registration of SAR scenes with 
images acquired by other sensors (Leberl, 1990). Extracted 
lines are a basis to verify as well as update linear objects in 
GIS or in maps (Caves, 1993). Geologists use SAR scenes to 
detect lineaments, as the SAR sensor is very sensitive to geo- 
logic structures. The problem with lines in SAR scenes is that 
they are not only difficult to detect (Adair & Guindon, 1990; 
Hellwich & Streck, 1996), but that they are also partly in- 
visible depending on the azimuth of the incident radiation 
(Hendry et al., 1988). In this paper as lines we regard narrow, 
elongated areas with approximately constant image intensity 
which are bounded by bright or dark regions. Note that this 
includes also lines which are bounded by a bright region on 
one side and a dark region on the other side. 
In the past several approaches to the detection of linear struc- 
tures in SAR scenes have been taken which can be differen- 
tiated into three groups depending on whether they mainly rely 
on a local evaluation of the intensity function, whether they 
consider more global criteria, or whether combine both. Local 
detectors either compute geometric properties like the first or 
the second derivative of the intensity function (e.g. Burns et 
* This research was partially funded by Deutsche Agentur für 
Raumfahrtangelegenheiten (DARA) GmbH under contract SOEE9423. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
al., 1981; Kwok, 1989), or they conduct a statistical evaluation 
of regions often defined by a rotating template (e.g. Caves et 
al., 1992; Lopes et al., 1993). Several investigations had the 
result that a local gradient computation is not suited for the 
detection of edges as the speckle effect of coherent imaging 
causes a noisy response of the edge operators (Geiss, 1984; 
Bellavia & Elgy, 1986; Adair & Guindon, 1990). Among the 
operators using statistical parameters those computing the 
intensity ratio of neighboring regions have been shown to give 
the most reasonable responses (Adair & Guindon, 1990; Caves, 
1993). They have a constant false alarm rate, as the standard 
deviation of SAR intensity is equal to the intensity itself. 
Approaches using more global criteria are the methods based 
on the Hough transform (Wood, 1985; Quegan et al., 1986; 
Skingley & Rye, 1987; Green et al., 1993), minimum-cost 
search (Bellavia & Elgy, 1986) or dynamic programming 
(Wood, 1985) to extract thin lines from SAR images. In spite 
of promising results the use of the Hough transform is limited, 
as in this context it can only be applied to the detection of 
straight lines. 
Methods combining local operators with a more global evalua- 
tion are those developed by Samadani & Vesecky (1990) and 
Arduini et al. (1992). They use Bayes’ theorem and a MAP 
estimation to combine a conditional probability to observe 
certain image data given a linear structure with a prior prob- 
ability derived from the generic knowledge that lines are con- 
tinuous and neighboring pixels depend on each other. 
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