Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

a. Detec- 
A. Grün, 
c Extrac- 
e Images, 
D. Stall- 
for Build- 
al Report, 
4 Zurich, 
ion Using 
Proc. of 
, Austria, 
id A.M. 
on. John 
op, Mon- 
om Aerial 
ue, Czech 
oofs. In 
n images, 
S. Stiles. 
Mikael Holm, George Denissoff, Kaj Juslin, Matti Paljakka, Markku Rantasuo, Susanna Rautakorpi 
VTT Automation, Finland 
E-mail: Mikael.Holm(Qvtt.fi 
Commision Ill, Working Group 2 
KEY WORDS: DEM/DTM, Orthoimage, Mosaic, Video, GPS, Global Matching, Object Reconstruction, Parallel Computing 
One of the main obstacles for the use of video camera in airborne mapping applications is the small field of view compared 
to the resolution of the video camera. Single video images cover only a small part of the area to be mapped. Therefore 
automated methods to combine huge amounts of video images into single image-mosaics are essential. 
In this paper a system under development is described, which will take as input thousands of aerial video images and will 
output a digital ortho-mosaic and also a digital elevation model of the covered area. The "3D-image-mosaic" will be made 
automatically using the methods of global matching or global object reconstruction. In this case an object based approach 
is used in the matching. As this kind of methods are mostly very computation intensive parallel computation is used. 
First, the ideas behind the system are described, including the use of GPS navigation data with the on-line digitization of 
the images on the aircraft. Then, the present status of the development of the matching software is described, including 
breakline detection and solving of the normal equations on a parallel computer. 
The effective use of airborne video imagery in mapping or 
environmental monitoring tasks requires the use of auto- 
matic methods to combine thousands of images into one or 
a few image-mosaics. To make accurate mosaics a digital 
elevation model (DEM) of the terrain is needed. As a DEM 
of the area to be mapped in many cases does not exist, a 
system creating the mosaics should be able to compute the 
DEM itself, using the image data. 
One algorithm capable of computing image mosaics and 
DEM's from image data is global object based multi-image 
matching, also called global object reconstruction. It is a 
general model for digital photogrammetry, integrating area- 
based multi-image matching, point determination, object 
surface reconstruction and orthoimage generation. Using 
this model the unknown quantities are estimated directly 
from the pixel intensity values and from control information 
in a nonlinear least squares adjustment. The unknown 
quantities are the geometric and radiometric parameters 
of the approximation of the object surface (e.g. the heights 
of a DEM and the brightness values of each point on the 
surface), and the orientation parameters of the images. 
Any desired number of images, scanned in various spectral 
bands, can be processed simultaneously. 
This algorithm is a generalisation of the least squares match- 
ing methods (Ebner et al., 1987, Ebner & Heipke 1988). 
Similar concepts have been developed independently 
(Wrobel 1987, Helava 1988, Weisensee 1992). A detailed 
description of this matching algorithm and an evaluation 
using synthetic aerial and real close range imagery can be 
found in (Heipke 1990, Heipke 1992). The first controlled 
tests of the approach using real aerial images can be found 
in (Ebner et al., 1993, Holm 1994). 
In this paper the present status of the ESPRIT-III GLORE 
projective is described, where the object is to demonstrate 
the capabilities of the method for the creation of massive mo- 
saics of digitized aerial video imagery, and to create a pro- 
totype system consisting of parallel hardware and software 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
for such usage. The work is funded by the Commission of 
the European Communities. 
The prototype system under development consists of two 
parts. The first part is on the aircraft taking care of the dig- 
itizing of the video images. The second part is on ground 
taking care of the orthoimage mosaic and DEM generation. 
The airborne part is described in section 2. In section 3 the 
matching method is shortly described. In section 4 the im- 
plementation on parallel hardware is described. The most 
computation intensive part of the system is the solving of 
the normal equations. The description of the methods used 
can be found in section 5. In order to reduce the number 
of unknowns and thus speed up the computation, irregular 
DEM's are used. This is done using breakline detection as 
described in section 6. 
The video images are captured and digitized onto the hard- 
disk of a PC on board the aircraft during the flight. The 
Super-VHS video camera is connected directly to the com- 
puter. Traditional tape recorders are not used. The intervals 
between the grabbing of the video frames, image brightness 
etc. can be adjusted interactively using the PC and a piece 
of software developed for this purpose. The grabbed frames 
are stored as 24-bit truecolor images. 
While the PC is digitizing video frames a laptop is gather- 
ing navigation information using Realtime Differential Global 
Positioning System (RDGPS) measurements. The laptop is 
equipped with a DGPS card and Radio Data System (RDS) 
receiver. The differential corrections for the GPS measure- 
ments are carried out using the RDS coded correction infor- 
mation sent by the national broadcasting company of Fin- 
land. As a very cheap and simple system is used the ac- 
curacy of the RDGPS coordinates — received once every 
second — are in the order of 3 — 5 m. The laptop shows 
the planned flight route and the real flight route graphically in 
real time, as well as the metrical deviations from the planned 
route. Using this equipment the pilot can easily keep on the 

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