Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Rongxing Li, Mike A. Chapman, and Weihong Zou 
Department of Geomatics Engineering, The University of Calgary 
2500 University Dr.. N.W., Calgary, AB, Canada 
Tel: (403) 220-4112, Fax: (403) 284-1980 
E-mail: rli@acs.ucalgary.ca 
WWW: http://loihi.ensu.ucalgary.ca/ 
KEY WORDS: Mobile mapping. Digital photogrammetry, Optimization, Image processing 
3D object space coordinates of an object can be uniquely intersected by two geo-referenced digital images that 
overlap the object. The selection of the best combination of the two images from an image sequence so that the 
coordinates calculation has the optimization properties both in precision and reliability is very important for feature 
extraction, image matching, object reconstruction and recognition. Based on Kalman filter theory. great efforts 
have been made to research the optimization of 3-D coordinate calculation from the VISAT images. Considerations 
are given to a) establishing optimal criteria with precision and reliability, and b) choosing two optimal images from 
an image sequence for an intersection. An algorithm has been developed that meets the above requirements. 
To verify the algorithm, it was used to extract objects from digital images taken by the VISAT mobile mapping 
system. The results show that the optimization algorithm is efficient for calculating 3D coordinates and providing 
geometric information for generation of large scale GIS databases. 
Digital images acquired by the VISAT system, a 
mobile mapping system using GPS, INS and CCD 
cameras, are georeferenced (Li etal 1996). 
Coordinates of any object appearing in a stereo pair 
of the images can be calculated by measuring 
corresponding image coordinates and by an 
intersection in the object space. In order to obtain an 
accurate 3D object description, to reduce 
computational time, and to enhance the 
measurability of the system, an efficient algorithm 
for calculating optimal 3D object space coordinates 
with precision and reliability is necessary. Without 
the optimization using these criteria, some 
photogrammetric operations may not be applicable or 
practical considering the large amount of data 
involved and computational time required. The 
optimization algorithm presented in this paper 
demonstrates the advance of optimal processing of 
the images georeferenced in real-time and acquired 
by a mobile mapping system. 
A statistical model of the evolution of sequential 
images containing an object to be measured can be 
expressed as 
Pi NCOP, Da), (2.1) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
where P, is the 3D object coordinate state of a 
normal distribution estimated by k images in which 
the object appears; P is it's statistical expectation 
E[P,] and D, is the corresponding covariance 
The updated new collinearity equations using the 
(k+1)th image are 
Xi Sf U / Quer 
Yka 7 fia *Vica/qia (2.2) 
Wer FM (Xia XO) +m (Yen -Y?ymis(Zia 2°) 
Via 7m (Xa -X?ymox(Yya Yo (Zicn -Z°%) 
Qe =M3; G4 -X))mso(Yxa Y) mass(Zia -Z°) 
and Xi. Yin and Zi, are the coordinates of the 
target point from the (k+1)th image; X°, Y° and Z° 
are the coordinates of the (k+1)th exposure station; 
X41 and y, are image point coordinates in (k+1)th 
image: fe is the focal length of the (k+1)th image; 
and M3 x 3(m;) is the rotation matrix of the (k+1)th 
If only the measurement errors of the image 
coordinates are taken into consideration, Equation 
(2.2) can be expressed in a linearized form: 

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