Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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ts one (or a 
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the starting 
'rrain slope. 
e industrial 
F (Schewe, 
it may show 
ients, occlu- 
lage texture. 
)s in image 
he consecu- 
not require 
ng approxi- 
.is indepen- 
lues or pre- 
knowledge on the maximum terrain slopes; only very 
rough pre-knowledge (like estimated minimum and 
maximum terrain height for the whole observation region) 
is required. The procedure is similar to the procedure 
followed by MATCH-T: Discrete points in the images are 
extracted by an interest operator (Foerstner, 1986), and 
correspondences between points are established using 
epipolar lines. These epipolar lines may become rather 
long when the terrain shows large height differences, 
leading to multiple candidates on the epipolar lines and 
ambiguities in the establishment of correspondences, 
which can often not be solved. For that reason MATCH-T 
uses image pyramids as a coarse-to-fine method, thus 
limiting the length of the epipolar lines at each level of the 
pyramid. Furthermore, the ‘general overkill philosophy’ 
of MATCH-T (Ackermann, 1994) solves some of the 
problems connected with DEM data acquisition algorith- 
micly: By switching from interpolation to adjustment, 
outliers generated by false matches or by objects above 
the terrain surface (like single trees) can be removed by 
robust surface fitting, and it has been shown that even 
breaklines can often be detected automatically in the 
dense datasets of typically more than 500'000 surface 
points per stereo pair. 
In the method presented in this paper, the length of the 
epipolar lines is basically unrestricted, and ambiguities 
due to multiple candidates on the epipolar lines are solved 
by epipolar line intersection techniques in multiple 
images, thus avoiding any smoothing effects introduced 
by surface fitting techniques or by patch sizes in area 
based techniques. 
The concept of the epipolar line for the establishment of 
image correspondences is well known in photogram- 
metry: If the orientation and camera calibration parame- 
ters of images are known, for each point P' in one image 
an epipolar line in an other image can be defined on which 
the corresponding point P" has to be found. The length of 
this line can be restricted if approximate knowledge about 
the depth range in object space is available. Adding a 
certain tolerance width to this epipolar line segment (due 
to data quality and measurement errors) the search area 
for the corresponding point location in the other image 
becomes a narrow two-dimensional window. Depending 
on the number of detected points per image, the arrange- 
ment of points and the complexity and depth extension of 
the object a problem of ambiguities will occur here, as 
often more than one candidate will be found in the search 
area. There is a general trade-off in stereo matching 
between the requirements of precision (requiring long 
epipolar lines and thus also long baselines) and the 
requirements of reliability (requiring short epipolar lines 
and thus short baselines to reduce the number of ambigu- 
ities). If additional point features do not allow for a reli- 
able distinction of candidates, these ambiguities can often 
not be solved by a system based on only two cameras. It 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
has been shown in that the probability of such ambiguities 
grows linearly with the depth extension in object space, 
linearly with the width of the search area and with the 
square of the number of points (Maas, 19922). A solution 
of this problem based on the intersection of epipolar lines 
in an image triplet has been shown in (Maas, 1991), where 
trinocular correspondences in digital images of some 1000 
particles marking a turbulent flow were established. The 
same technique has been applied in combination with a 
projected dot raster for surface determination in (Maas, 
1992b). Also an extension to a four-camera system is 
shown in (Maas, 19922). It can be shown that a reasonably 
chosen additional camera station reduces the probability 
of ambiguities by a factor of 5 to 100 - depending on the 
number of points, object geometry and data quality. 
The method has meanwhile been extended from trinocular 
vision to n-ocular vision to be used with an arbitrary 
number of image coordinate datasets, where the data (= 
image coordinates of discrete points) may origin form 
digital, analog or hybrid systems in close range applica- 
tions as well as in aerial photogrammetry. The aims of this 
development were: 
* The method should be applicable for the establishment 
of image correspondences between image coordinate 
datasets from an arbitrary number of images (with the 
additional requirement that the images have been taken 
from at least three different camera stations). 
* Features which would allow for a distinction of points 
are not needed (but can optionally be employed). 
* Only minimum knowledge about the object space is 
required. This knowledge can be reduced to rough 
approximations of the volume boundaries in object 
space; approximate values for the features are not 
required, the features may be arbitrarily distributed 
over the object space. A continuous object surface is 
not required, or the object surface may show an arbi- 
trary complexity; this includes objects freely distrib- 
uted in space (like particles in water), occlusions or 
targets fixed on wires. 
* The method is robust against missing points: Not all 
points have to be measured in all images, points may 
be missing due to occlusions, failures in the detection 
procedure, illumination effects, limitation of the sensor 
format, etc. 
The tool was for example used for deformation measure- 
ments on a masonry wall using 18 images (Dold/Maas, 
1994) and for the modeling of a human head from 40 
images (Ursem, 1994). 
The aims of the development were mainly derived from 
tasks occuring in close range photogrammetry, and they 
exceed the problems occuring in automatic DEM genera- 
tion, especially concerning the allowance of arbitrary 
discontinuities in the object. Nevertheless, the application 
of the technique to the generation of DEMs promises 
some advantages over conventional methods, justifying 
research on the benefits of a consequent exploitation of 

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