Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

the strength of multi-station geometry in aerial applica- 
As the computational effort connected with the strict solu- 
tion of ambiguities as published in (Maas, 1992a) grows 
exponentially with the number of images, a reduced 
version had to be implemented. While the strict solution 
with three or four images is based on a combinatorics 
algorithm, the reduced solution is based on probability 
measures for potential correspondences, which are 
defined by the number of images the candidate can be 
traced through. This is implemented in a recursive manner 
in a way that the longest traces (i.e. the points which can 
be matched successfully in the largest number of images) 
are accepted first and in case of ambiguities only a candi- 
date with a trace, which is significantly longer than the 
traces of the other candidates, is accepted. The flow chart 
scheme in Figure 1 elucidates this principle. 
1. take a candidate in image I; , 2. compute the Spinola} line 
\ into an image I,, find candidate(s) 
in the epipolar search area 
3. verify match(es) 
in all other images 
lun e ou o EE EEE EE EE WA WA WA WA Wa WA wa wa wa wa 
4. count number 5. accept trace 
of successful verifications 
> i 
candidate 1: n; matches \ max (ny, iy, ..., fp) 
candidate 2: n, matches 
-> match found 
candidate p: ny matches 
Figure 1: Computation scheme for the automatic establishment 
of correspondences via epipolar line intersection 
For a point P" in the first image the epipolar line in the 
second image is computed. Then, for all candidates on this 
epipolar line, the assumption of a correct match is verified 
or neglected by intersections with the epipolar line of P' in 
all other images. Finally, the number of successful verifi- 
cations is counted and the match is accepted if the number 
of successful matches for a candidate is large enough and 
significantly larger than the number for all other candi- 
dates. This procedure does not require all points to be 
imaged or detected in all images. Moreover, traces do not 
necessarily have to begin in the first image. In this 
manner, all candidates in the epipolar search area are 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
either confirmed as valid candidates or rejected as false or 
spurious matches. 
The technique does not necessarily require base compo- 
nents forming a triangle. Using a parametrization on the 
epipolar line, it can also be applied to image data acquired 
from multiple camera positions on a straight line, i.e. with 
parallel base components and parallel epipolar lines 
(Maas, 19922). 
A similar approach is also used by (Lotz/Froeschle, 1990) 
and a number of other authors, who combine short and 
long base components to warrant both reliability and 
precision by reducing the probability of the occurrence of 
ambiguities in the establishment of correspondences 
between two images. However, this approach does not try 
to use the multi-image geometry to solve occuring ambi- 
guities. It can however be shown (Maas, 1992a) that if 
occuring ambiguities are solved the ideal baselength ratio 
between three collinear camera stations for achieving a 
maximum rate of successfully established matches is 
bo: ba: biz=1 d 2,2; 
A procedure for the solution of ambiguities has also been 
published under the title multiple-baseline stereo by 
(Okutomi/Kanade, 1993), who treat the trade-off between 
precision and reliability in matching with an interesting 
closed solution avoiding search procedures, which is 
however limited to one-dimensional area-based matching 
by minimizing the sum of squared differences. 
Besides to a number of applications in close-range photo- 
grammetry, the n-ocular extension of the epipolar line 
intersection technique has been applied to the derivation 
of digital elevation models on two datasets: 
e  Dataset 1 consists of six scanned aerial images of the 
Simplon pass area in Switzerland with 8090/6090 
e Dataset 2 consists of a block of 50 images taken from a 
helicopter with a high resolution digital stillvideo 
Dataset 1 - scanned aerial images 
Images of a region on the Simplon pass in the Swiss Alps, 
which shows elevations between 1400m and 2400m, were 
taken from a flying height of 4600m, using a 150mm lens. 
The nominal overlap in flight direction was 80% and the 
overlap between stripes 60%, with relatively large devia- 
tions due to terrain height changes. The black-and-white 
images were scanned at 600dpi resolution (42 micron 
pixel spacing, image size ~ 5200 x 5200 pixel) on an 
uncalibrated Agfa Horizon desktop scanner. The fiducial 
marks in the scanned images were measured with least- 
squares-matching. A og of the affine transformation for 
inner orientation of 60-70 micron indicates the limited 
accuracy of the scanner. 
For the DEM generation with the epipolar line intersec- 
tion t 
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