Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Borislav D. Marinov 
University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Faculty of GOEDESY 
Commission III, Working Group 3 
KEY WORDS: Interpretation, Urban Image, Scene Modelling, Computer Vision. 
For purposes of automatic processing of digital stereo images of urban areas and architectural objects a skeleton space model is 
introduced. The topological and height properties are used for classification of such objects. The image areas are separated in several 
main classes: visible terrain, building roofs and building walls. A formal approach for creation of such model is introduced based on 
picture language description procedure. The diversity of relative conjunction of areas in every photo image is modelling by applying 
the sequential grammar rules based on PLEX-GRAMMAR. The skeleton model of photo images is suitable for purposes of terrain 
building separation process and for finding the correspondence between visible areas in two stereo images. The possible areas of 
application of such model are interpretation and verification of skeleton model of urban areas, the rejection of building influence 
over the produced DEM and appropriate selection of image parts for digital image mosaic creation from large scale images in 
processes of photo transformation and land cover classification. 
Digital processing of large scale images of urban regions 
reaches severe problems due to the high density of buildings 
with the different heights from the surrounding terrain. For such 
objects there are a great displacement of their photo-images, 
hiding parts of the surrounding terrain, mutual hiding of close 
staying buildings. Similar problems exist in close-range images 
of architectural objects with a lot of protruding elements on the 
facades. As a result a problem arises in the terrain interpolation 
or the orthophoto image generation for such parts of the digital 
images where discontinuity of the terrain function appears. 
Automatic creation of normalised classified images from such 
areas is not enough reliable and complete due to the 
unclassified areas in the hidden parts of the terrain. There are 
suggested different schemes for classification and processing of 
such images, taking into account geometrical, shape and height 
properties of buildings (Weidner, Fórstner, 1995). For object 
with simple form a formalised procedures for scene analysis 
and image understanding in single image are used, based on 
skeleton model of objects (Waltz, 1975). 
One possible solution of problems with processing of urban 
region images is a detailed mapping from stereo images and 
building contours coding under the operator's control. The 
building's boundaries could be excluded by defining a special 
type of lines for such objects - like border lines that allow to 
exclude the undesirable areas from the process of DEM 
generation). Such procedure seems to be very tedious and time 
consuming for high density built urban areas. Such direct 
approach could not be enough appropriate in cases of hiding 
some parts of the buildings or in very unusual relative 
disposition of objects because very complicated image 
understanding procedure have to be applied. 
Another solution is to introduce a simplified model of stereo 
images. The description is based on the topological properties 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
of areas in the stereo images. A picture language grammar 
technique could be applied to formalised the process of image 
description and to cover different possibilities of image 
configurations. Such technique is very largely used for 
description of two dimensional or three dimensional images 
(Fu, 1982). Similar approach was suggested for description of 
planar objects in single photos or contour maps (Marinov, 
1988). It formalises the process of generating hierarchical 
description of contour images. For purposes of stereo image 
processing such approach have to' be enlarged to involve 
additional information. The information includes the parallax of 
contour lines, the position of the objects relatively to centre of 
the photo and the topological properties of areas in both 
images. In that situation only the walls oriented to the centre of 
the photo could generate visible areas in the image. The main 
properties of the image description have to take into account 
the relation between the areas in the image and connection 
between the areas and the contours. Primary elements that are 
used for description are arcs (the segments of lines between two 
points of connection). From a topological point of view nodes 
are only points of connection of more than two arcs, taking into 
account the type of arcs (wall edges, foundation border and so 
on) the segmentation of arcs could increase. The main 
topological properties that have to be taken into account are the 
relations of the types: adjacent areas, clusters of areas, included 
clusters of areas, hanging areas (with only one point of 
connection. The specific properties of artificial objects includes 
areas of following types: roofs, walls, terrain and hidden parts 
of them. 
For purposes of contour description only the tie points and the 
arcs could be used. In such situation it would be difficult to 
generate relation between areas. The usage only of the 
topological properties of areas and their relation would increase 
the difficulties in contour generation and arcs processing. 
The form of description proposed here is based on defining the 
different types of arcs elements and topological description of 
relations between them. The primary topological elements are 
arcs separating adjacent areas. There are involved four types of

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