an hierar-
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bjects O,
ts should
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atic data
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; the first
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ts, i.e.:
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The reverse relation expresses that the object O, consists
of the region R,, i.e. the function identifies the object that
are the components of O, :
COMPIO,, ) Roos dos; 0,,.:J
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The geometry of the aggregates can be found through the
geometry of the original objects, for each geometric
element we can check whether it will be part of an
aggregated object of type T,. This should be done in two
steps, which will be explained for the faces of an area
object O, in relation to an aggregated area object O,,. The
first step evaluates the function:
Party, f, O, | O,] = MIN(Part,,[f,,0,], Party, [ O,, 0, 1)
this function expresses whether the face is related to an
aggregate through object O,. If that is true then both
functions in the expression at the right hand side of the
equation will have the value = 1, and this value is
assigned to the function at the left hand of the equation.
If it is not the case then at least one of the functions at
the left hand side will have the value = O, so that also
the function at the left hand side will get the value = O.
The second step is the evaluation of
Part, [ f,, O,] = MAX, (Party, [ f,, O, | OJ)
If there is any object through which the face will be part
of an aggregate then this function will have the value =
1, otherwise it will be — O. If this function has been
evaluated for all faces of the map then the geometry of
the object O,, can be found through their adjacency graph.
For the edges e, of these faces the function 5/e;, O,] can
be evaluated and with this function the boundary edges
can be found (i.e. B/e,O] — 7) and through these the
topologic relationships with the other objects.
The geometry of the aggregated area object O, can
sometimes be simplified by a reduction of the number of
faces. Therefor the edges e, should be identified for which
Ble., O,] = 2, that are the interior edges. If these edges
are not part of some line object so that LO(e;) = © then
they do not carry any semantic information at this
aggregation level and could therefor be eliminated.
The example refers to the situation where a face is related
through an area object to an aggregated are object, so that
all involved elements are of dimension 2. Other combina-
tions of dimensions might occur as well, this could be the
case when for example an edge is related through a line
object to an aggregated area object, e.g. it is related
through a river to a country.
Itis possible to define aggregation types by means of their
construction rules. If elementary objects are combined to
form a compound object, their attribute values are often
aggregated as well (as in figure 6). We will see in section
3.2 that farm yield is the sum of the yields per field, and
the yield per district is the sum of farm yields. The
desaggregation of such values is usually quite difficult
because it can only be done if information is added to the
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
system. An aggregation hierarchy has therefore a bottom-up
character, in the sense that the elementary objects from
the lowest level are combined to compose increasingly
complex objects as one ascends in the hierarchy. The
compound objects inherit the attribute values from the
objects by which they are composed.
The PARTOF relations connect groups of objects with a
certain aggregate and possibly on a higher level with another
even more complex aggregate, and so on. That means that
an aggregation hierarchy expresses the relationship between
a specific aggregated object and its constituent parts at
different levels. This is different from class hierarchies
where classes at several generalization levels can be defined
with their attribute structured and their intentions, but
where the objects can be assigned to these classes in a
later stage of a mapping process.
The formalism of the previous chapter helps us to express
the structure of spatial datasets. This can be done in an
abstracted sense, i.e. without any reference to the logic
model of any implemented spatial data base. Processes
applied to such datasets could also be expressed through
this formalism. The four basic operations that will be used
in generalization processes are:
- the se/ection of objects to be represented at the
reduced scale, this selection will be based on the
attribute data of the objects,
- the e//mination from the data base of objects that
should not be represented,
- the aggregation of area objects that should not be
represented individually,
- the rec/assification of the generalized objects.
For these four operations information about the spatial
structure of the mapped area will be required. Firstly to
check which relationships the objects have with their
environment and what the effect of their eventual
elimination will be on the spatial structure of that
environment. Secondly this information is required to
formulate aggregation rules for the objects that are to be
merged. Once the process has been formulated one can
choose how to implement it in any suitable database
environment. The hydrologic example presented in sections
2.1 and 3.3 of this paper has been implemented in an
ArcMnfo environment, but other students of the author
have made implementations of similar applications in an
Oracle database, and exercises with Prolog have been made
as well.
Several strategies for database generalization can be
formulated with this formalism and these basic database
operations .These are:
- geometry driven generalization: in this strategy it
is the geometric information that drives the
aggregation process. A clear example of this case
is when the geometry of the spatial data has a raster
structure. If it is then decided that the resolution
of the raster will be decreased, i.e. when the cell
size increases, then the original, smaller cells are
merged into new larger cells. The thematic informa-