Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

maintain a drainage system per lot and he will decide per 
growing season how to partition each lot into fields. These 
lots might both belong to a superclass "farm lots” in a land 
use data base and these again might belong to an even 
higher superclass "lot" which also contains the classes 
"forestlot" and "residencelot". The aggregation step from 
level 1 to 2 and the next steps to the levels 3 and 4 
where we have the farms and farm districts show that 
after each step new objects are created. At farm level the 
farmer will decide whether he will be a cattle farmer or 
whether he will grow arable crops, in the latter case he 
has to decide on a rotation scheme. At district level the 
infrastructure and irrigation schemes will be developed. 
The objects at each level have their own thematic 
description expressed in an attribute structure that should 
be defined in a class hierarchy according to section 2. In 
this example each aggregation level requires its own 
classification hierarchy. This should be structured so that 
the generated attribute structures provide the information 
to support the management operations defined at the 
aggregation levels of the objects. The diagram of figure 
8 represents the fact that a classification hierarchy should 
be defined per aggregation level. 
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fig. 8: Classification hierarchies related to aggregation 
This is an example of a more general situation where 
objects at each aggregation level are functional units with 
respect to some process. In this case these were farm 
management processes, but we could also take examples 
like ecologic development, or demography and many more. 
Each aggregation level within such a hierarchy will have 
its own (sub) context within a thematic field, expressed 
through a class hierarchy with related attribute structures. 
The different (sub) contexts are related by the fact that 
sets of objects at one level can be aggregated to form the 
objects at the next higher level. There are often also 
relationships between various classes ofthe different class 
hierarchies related to the aggregation levels as was the 
case for the cover classes for the farm lots, the farm types 
and land use types of the farm districts at the levels 2,3 
and 4 of figure 7. 
There are bottom-up relationships between the objects 
at different levels in the sense that the state information 
of the lowest level objects, as contained in the attribute 
data, can be transferred through a process like figure 6, 
to givestate information about the objects at higher levels. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
There are top-down relationships in the sense that the 
behaviour of lower level objects will be constrained by the 
information contained in the higher level objects. 
3.3. Structural Object Generalization 
This strategy will be explained by means of an example 
based on a database where the spatial description at a 
1:50.000 scale, of a drainage system. The database has 
been structured according the FDS as in section 3, see 
(Martinez Casasnovas 1994). A generalization process will 
be executed to derive the 1:100.000 representation, so 
that wereduce complexity to stress spatial structure. Here 
the spatial structure refers to the network structure of the 
drainage system in relation to the subcatchments. The 
generalization process will keep the area of the aggregated 
subcatchments and the network structure of the system 
invariant so that the computation of overland water flows 
per node in the network will not be effected significantly. 
The database contains geometric data and thematic data 
of the elements of the system, as defined in the example 
of section 2.1. Let the attribute ORDER contain the Strahler 
order number of each drainage element. These numbers 
in combination with the function Upstr[ ] make it possible 
to analyze the stream network built by the drainage 
elements. Through this network aggregation steps can be 
defined for the catchment areas. The methodology for these 
aggregation steps will follow to a great extend procedures 
defined by (Richardson 1993 and 1994). 
The process starts with the identification of the drainage 
elements that are not mappable at the target scale, those 
are the elements with Strahler number — 1 with an average 
width aw < Thr(eshold). The minimum mapping width 
of the drainage elements will be put at 0.75mm, that gives 
a threshold 7hr = 0.75mmvscale at terrain scale, hence 
Thr 2 75min this case. The average width for an drainage 
element D; can be computed from the AREA, of the element 
and the LENGTH, of its water line W, hence 
aw; = AREA, /LENGTH. 
The selection procedure applied to the drainage elements 
is then 
> select the drainage elements D, with ORDER, > 1 
> select from the class with D, = 1 the elements 
D; with aw; = Thr 
The set of elements that should be eliminated is then 
S =D, ORDER = 7, aw; € Thr], 
their catchments should be combined with adjacent 
catchments to form aggregates. The elimination of the 
drainage elements D; € S should consist of the following 
> eliminate W, 
> AGGRID,, C;) = Con 
> find C, for which Upstr[C,, C;] = 1 
2 AGGR(Cos; 0,1] 9 C; 
where the notation Cy, means that the area of Di has been 
merged into the area of its subcatchment, the notation 
C,,, means that the area of Cy,; has been merged into the 
area of C,. When water line W, joins the outlet point END(W, 
) with only one water line W; of a drainage element that 
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