Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Finally, the block parameters can further be enhanced in a 
general, simultaneous adjustment, presented in chapter 5. 
The solution of the radial distortion is based on the fact that the 
singular correlation between two images should produce zero 
when only linearly deformed images are used. Any deviation 
from zero, exceeding of course, the random noise due to the 
observational errors, can then be interpreted as the effect of 
nonlinear errors /Niini, 1990/. For example, using video 
cameras, the radial distortion is usually significant. In practice, 
it has also been shown to be sufficient to model the nonlinear 
distortions with one parameter only, namely with the parameter 
corresponding to the third power of the radius /Melen, 1994/. 
Decentering or tangential distortion need not to be considered 
here, because they are practically too dependent on the principal 
point which, in turn, is allowed to change in this block 
3.1 The camera model 
A physical camera model is assumed. The properties of the 
camera are: first, the lens may cause nonlinear (radially 
symmetric) distortion to the ray of light when it passes through 
the lens; second, the distortion caused by a poorly known sensor 
geometry is linear. Thus, all linear distortions happens only after 
the nonlinear ones. The compensation of the distortion should 
then take place in the reverse order, not simultaneously. 
The physical model used here is not exactly the same as the 
traditional "physical model" in /Kilpelá et al, 1981/. The 
traditional model treats linear and nonlinear distortions 
simultaneously, which works well using aerial images with small 
linear distortions, but it may be considered erroneous using 
video images with apparent linear distortion /Melen, 1994/. 
3.2 Elliptic radial distortion 
When computing the singular correlations, it is not necessary to 
compensate the linear distortions in advance since the interior 
orientation can always be computed after the singular 
correlations have been computed but not before. Instead, it is 
preferable just to find a suitable expression for the nonlinear 
distortion in terms of the linearly distorted observations. 
To obtain the required expression, it is first studied how the 
final, radially and linearly distorted observations x,, y,, are 
formed from the ideal, undistorted image observations x,, y;: 
2 2 4 4 
x, =x, +k x,(r; -19) *kx(r, IQ) tas (1) 
Y,-y,* ky; 9) kx -19) ^... 
X X, +X," By ? 
% (2) 
Yır = Yo or 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Above, rx; *yl is the radius computed from the principal 
point, and k,, k,,... are the radial distortion parameters, r, is the 
radial distance where radial distortion effect is wanted to be 
Zero. X, y, are the principal point coordinates, o is affinity 
(scale ratio between the x- and y-axes of the image coordinate 
system), and B corresponds to the non-orthogonality angle 
between the image coordinate-axes. The radial distortion model 
is adopted from /Karara, 1989/. 
The observations x,, y, are measured and they are subject to the 
random observational errors. The term r, with a certain nonzero 
value is useful in the adopted model because it prevents the 
system to collapse into a trivial solution where the magnitude of 
the radial distortion correction becomes as large as the image 
coordinates themselves. Fixing r, also fixes the image coordinate 
scale since, for a certain radial distortion profile, the camera 
constant depends on r,, and of course, on the radial distortion 
coefficients k; /Brown, 1968/. A suitable value for r, is, say 200 
pixels, in a 512 x 512 pixel? image. 
By replacing the inverse of (2) into (1), and after some 
manipulations it is obtained 
Xx, =X, kx. x a2... (3) 
2 2 
ES 2 yc * kıy Ye +19) +", 
which express radially distorted observations as functions of the 
radially corrected (but linearly distorted) observations x,, y, and 
of the interior orientation parameters. Especially, 
r7 (xx)? «(a By, -y "2B (x. x (y, -y,) 
is the elliptical radius computed from the point x,, y.. Equation 
(3) presents the elliptical radial distortion model, because for all 
equidistant image points the corresponding radial distortion 
pattern is elliptically symmetric, as seen in figure 1. It also 
expresses the radial distortion effect directly in the linearly 
deformed image coordinate system as required. 
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Figure 1. Elliptical radial distortion. 
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