Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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From now on, only the first term of the distortion function is 
taken into account because it is, using video cameras, the only 
significant parameter /Melen, 1994/. Nothing really prevents one 
to include the other terms in the model, too. 
The approximate radial distortion correction is 
dx = k(x, "x E 
A (4) 
dy 7 ky, - 3907 15 
and solving the equation (3) for x,, y,, it is also obtained 
X. = Xa dx (5) 
ye = Vi dy 
which give approximate values of the radially corrected image 
coordinates during iteration. 
3.3 Solution of radial distortion 
x; y; 11 M |y - 0. (6) 
be the singular correlation equation of two images which are 
only linearly deformed. M is the 3x3-singular correlation matrix 
containing seven independent parameters. See /Niini, 1994/ and 
/Niini, 1995/ for details concerning the parameterization of M. 
Now, expressing x,', y,', X,', y," with equations (5) and (4), and 
replacing them into (6), the resulting equation is obtained 
xx k@l | xx ka 1g) 
/ uod (7) 
Ye eye 9| M |y: -Gz-y9kGz -n)| 
1 1 
This is the singular correlation condition containing the radial 
distortion parameters. Differentiating equation (7) with respect 
to the unknown parameters and observations, a general system 
of type Ax+Bv=l is obtained, which can be solved as explained 
previously in /Niini, 1994 and 1995/. The only exception is that 
in each iteration step, new radially corrected observations x, y, 
have to be iterated, because they are also used in the 
computation of the correlations. 
Using two images only, it is possible to solve the common 
radial distortion if the approximate interior orientation 
parameters are known. Because radial distortion is a fixed part 
of the interior orientation, like the camera constant, the 
solvability of it follows the rules concerning the solution of 
interior orientation from singular correlations. 
For example, if the interior orientation is not known, at least 
three images are required to solve the unknown interior 
orientation and the radial distortion of the images. With two 
different cameras, at least two images must have been taken 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
with both cameras. Using more images and thus more singular 
correlations in the block, it is also possible to solve different 
radial distortions of different cameras, provided that the 
minimum requirements for each different camera are fulfilled, 
and the block geometry constraints the solution sufficiently. 
Special cases. Large radial distortion can be utilized to solve for 
the approximate principal point in the very first step of the 
adjustment. This is reasonable if the approximate image center, 
for some reason, is too far from the true principal point. 
Decentering terms of the radial distortion are derived from 
equation (3), with one radial term only: 
A ais à kx ke 9) (8) 
Ya = ¥. * ky 021) ky (03-12) 
and taking p,-k,x, p;-k,y, as additional decentering terms. 
Then the principal point is computed from x,=p,/k and y =p./k. 
Thus, if the radial distortion parameter k, is large enough, a 
substantially better approximate center for the image is easily 
obtained. In later iterations, these decentering terms can be 
ignored, and the determination of the principal point can be left 
in its original place in the block adjustment. 
After radial distortion and singular correlation parameters have 
been determined, the interior orientation can be computed, using 
the iterative way presented in /Niini, 1993/ or /Niini, 1994/. 
The resulting linear transformation from linearly distorted 
coordinates to the ideal image coordinates is the following. 
x; = (xx) + BY) 
n a, -y 6 
Zi = pn 
where Cp the camera constant, is now also dependent on the 
choice of ry. Other terms are the same as in equation (2). 
Finally, a general and one step adjustment can be made for all 
the block parameters based on the following factorization of the 
singular correlation matrix, adopted from /Niini, 1994/. 
M-C;R; (B,-B)R;C, (10) 
This factorization expresses the singular correlation matrix 
between two images in terms of the upper triangular interior 
orientation matrices C,, C,, orthogonal rotation matrices R,, R,, 
and skew symmetric base matrices B,, B,, both of which contain 
the three projection center coordinates of the corresponding 
image. All matrices are 3x3-matrices and their initial values are 
obtained from the projective block adjustment.

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