Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

removing bad 
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[Tsai and Huang, 
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minimal point 
3.1 Estimating the orientation parameters 
The relative orientation of two images is described as a 
rigid movement of the bundles of rays by a translation and 
a rotation 
u and v being the projective coordinates [u, uy, 1] and 
[Ve Vy, I] of an model point, R a 3x3 rotation matrix and 
[t, 5, t] a translation vector with known direction but 
unknown length. 
In photogrammetric notation the equation is usually 
written as 
x" x' b. 
VERF b, 
—C —C b 
Five parameters have to be estimated in order to solve the 
equation system with a minimum of five corresponding 
point pairs, e.g., ®, ©, K, by and b, in the photogrammetric 
notation. This involves a linearisation of the non-linear 
equations and an iterative estimation technique that 
requires approximate values of the unknowns, making it 
unsuitable for general cases with arbitrary orientations. 
A linear solution has been formulated in the photo- 
grammetric society by, eg. [Stefanovic, 1973], 
[Thompson, 1968] and later in the computer vision 
society by, e.g, [Tsai & Huang, 1984]. The linear 
solution is based on the coplanarity condition stating that 
the vectors v, Ru and T are in the same plane. 
yo Rus, 
v, Ru, T,|=v(Rux T)=0 
Vz Ru, T. 
This can be written as [Stefanovic] 
v‘CRu =0 
where C is the skew-symmetric matrix 
o^ rb 
C = ia 0 fi 
[5 =; 0 
and E-CR is called the essential matrix. The essential 
matrix can be characterised in different ways, but using 
singular values is the most common in literature [Tsai & 
Huang, 1984]. Let E-USV, be the singular value 
decomposition, SVD, of E, where S is a diagonal matrix 
S-diag(s, s» $3). A matrix is an essential matrix if and 
only if s,=s2 and 5,20 ! This also implies that the matrix 
is of rank (2) and that 
EE'E - Lirace(EE'E)E 
The decomposition of E into R and C is a non-trivial task, 
but has been solved by, e.g., [Brandstitter, 1991] and in a 
more general form using SVD by [Tsai&Huang, 1984]. 
Since there are eight unknowns in the essential matrix but 
only five parameters needed for the relative orientation, 
linear dependencies might exist in the linear solution that 
will give a biased or singular solution. This can be seen 
when writing the explicit equation of the projective 
coordinates (x', y', 1) and (x^, y”, 1). 
xx'eitxXy'ep +x'e,3 + y'X" 6; + V'y" e9, + Y'e33 + 
X"es1 + y'ep +1=0 
For image pairs with almost parallel optical axes and 
small rotations, as in the case of aerial images, the 
coordinates of y’=y” and ez; and es, will be dependent. In 
some extreme, but not trivial, cases the number of 
unknowns will reduce to five. These dependencies give 
rise both to numerical problems in the estimation process 
and to a bias in the estimated parameters. 
The fact that the solution is sensitive to noise is well 
known and has been addressed by, e.g., [Hartley, 1995] 
and for the fundamental matrix in the uncalibrated camera 
case and by [Hahn, 1995] and [Philip, 1996] for the 
essential matrix and calibrated cameras. To ensure that 
the estimated E matrix is of rank (2) and that the singular 
values s,7$? and 55-0 is not sufficient to remove the bias 
in the estimate. 
In the used implementations, the numerical problems with 
singularities are handled using the SVD algorithm when 
solving the equation system. The algorithm is numerically 
more stable than, e.g., the Cholesky algorithm and 
singularities can be treated and eliminated during the 
estimation. The bias is removed by minimising the X(p?), 
where p is the distance to the epipolar line, i.e., the y- 
parallax for aerial images, using the conjugate-gradient 
The difference between the results from the original linear 
solution and the improved solution can be seen in table 7. 
The residual's from the linear solution show a clear bias. 
In the improved solution the bias is removed and the 
standard error reduced. It is only the improved linear 
solution that has been used in the experiments. 
"These requirements hold for a calibrated camera, i.e., with 
known principal point and principal distance. For the un- 
calibrated case, the matrix is called the fundamental matrix and 
the requirements on the singular values are that s; 2s, and s3=0. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996

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