Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Franz Wewel 
Technical University of Berlin, Department for Photogrammetry and Cartography 
Sekr.: EB9, Straße. des 17. Juni135, D-10623 Berlin, Germany 
Tel.: +49 30 314 23338, Fax.: +49 30 314 21104, E-mail: franz 0 fpk.tu-berlin.de 
Commision lll 
KEY WORDS: Correlation, Matching, Resolution, Extraterrestial, Three_Line 
In November 1996 a Russian spacecraft starts to the planet Mars. The spacecraft will carry two German cameras: The 
High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) and the Wide Angle Optoelectronic Stereo Scanner (WAOSS). Both cameras 
are three line stereo cameras. Besides other tasks the image data will be applied to obtain digital terrain modells. Due to 
the camera design an to the proposed orbit the image data will be really complex. Especially the image matching process 
is affected by varying ground pixel resolutions. Software to handle these problems is under development. 
Im November 1996 startet eine russisches Raumfahrzeug zum Mars. An Bord sind zwei deutsche Kameras, die 
Hochauflósende Stereokamera (HRSC) und der Optoelektronische Weitwinkel-Stereoscanner (WAOSS). Beide Kameras 
sind als Stereokameras konzipiert. Aus den Bilddaten der Kameras sollen unter anderem globale digitale 
Oberfláchenmodelle abgeleitet werden. Aufgrund des Kamerakonzeption und der gewáhlten Umlaufbahn werden die 
Bilddaten sehr komplex sein und hohe Ansprüche an die photogrammetrische und kartographische Software stellen. Die 
Bildzuordnung hat insbesondere das Problem, von sich ständig wechselnde Bodenpixelauflösungen zu bewältigen. 
1.1 General aspects of the determination of conjugate 
points for the Mars 96 mission 
Scheduled for launch in November 1996 a Russian 
spacecraft will reach the planet Mars in fall 1997. The 
main tasks of this mission are obtaining global views of 
the Martian surface and atmosphere and the systematic 
examination of morphological feature with high resolution 
imagery for geoscientific and cartographic purposes. 
Besides other sensors the spacecraft carries two German 
cameras: the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) 
and the Wide Angle Optoelectronic Stereo Scanner 
(WAOSS) (Albertz J. et al., 1992). Similar to the MOMS- 
02 sensor HRSC and WAOSS work with the pushbroom 
principle and have a nadir, a forward and a backward 
looking stereo channel. Thus permanent along track 
stereo data acquisition is provided. 
At the Technical University of Berlin a working group 
develops photogrammetric and cartographic software 
(Scholten F., 1996) to process the data of the HRSC and 
WAOSS scanners. Among other products, the data of the 
stereo cameras will be used to generate a global Martian 
elevation model as well as terrain models (Uebbing R., 
1996) with high spatial resolution of feature of high 
interest. The generation of these terrain models requires 
the determination of a great amount of corresponding 
The special properties of the image data, as a result of 
camera design and operation, the proposed orbit and the 
particular conditions of the Martian surface, have a great 
influence on the data processing and the matching 
strategy. Especially the highly elliptical orbit leads to 
unconventionally looking image data and affects the 
image correlatability and the determination of stereo 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
disparities. Inorder to illustrate this, here the main 
1.2Stereo cameras and platform system of the Mars 
96 mission 
The HRSC and WAOSS cameras are single optic 
instruments working with the pushbroom method. The 
scanning of both cameras based on an along track triple 
stereo concept. 
parameter HRSC WAOSS 
focal length 175 mm 21.7 mm 
number of CCD's 9 3 
active pixel per CCD 5184 5184 
field of view (FOV) 11.9? 80.0? 
FOV per pixel 8.3" 67.4" 
stereo angle 18.9? 25.0° 
duration of imaging 
sequence 3 min 1h 
line scan frequency «450 Hz < 240 Hz 
min ground resolution 12 m 96 m 
exposure time 2.2-54.5 ms 12.5-15 ms 
Table 1: HRSC and WAOSS camera parameter 
Due to an inertially fixed spacecraft the cameras are 
mounted on a manceuvrable platform (ARGUS) which has 
a three axial suspension (Schwarz G., 1994). 
Besides the three stereo CCD's the HRSC camera has 
four multispectral and two photometry channels. The main 
technical characteristic of both cameras are listed in Table 
around pixel size Im] 

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