Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

B. Kaiser, B. P. Wrobel 
Institute for Photogrammetry and Cartography 
University of Technology Darmstadt (Germany) 
International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
Commission III, WG III/2 
XVIII ISPRS Congress Vienna, Austria, 9-19 July 1996 
KEYWORDS: Photogrammetry, Matching, Reconstruction, DEM/DTM, Orthoimage, Colour, Experiment 
In this paper a modification of the well-known object space based Facets Stereo Vision (FAST Vision) method is introduced. 
It works with vectors as observations in each of the pictures being processed for surface reconstruction. Former versions of 
FAST Vision only used scalars for each pixel as input values. The new version makes it possible to exploit the full 
information of multi-channel imagery. The formal modifications of the method are presented in this paper as well as an 
example of a surface reconstruction applying the new method to a pair of colour aerial pictures. 
In dieser Arbeit wird eine Modifikation der wohlbekannten objektraumbasierten Methode des Facetten-Stereosehens 
präsentiert. Sie arbeitet mit Vektoren als Beobachtungen in jedem der Bilder, das für die Oberflüchenrekonstruktion 
herangezogen wird.. Bisherige Versionen von FAST Vision benutzen Skalare als Eingabewerte. Die neue Version macht die 
volle Ausnutzung von mehrkanaligem Bildmaterial móglich. In dieser Arbeit werden sowohl die formalen Modifikationen 
der Methode als auch ein Beispiel einer Oberfláchenrekonstruktion aus farbigen Luftbildern beschrieben. 
The major difference concerning the exploitation of data 
between digital and analytical photogrammetry consists 
in the use of colour information. Whereas the input for 
analytical photogrammetry usually consists of colour 
images, the input for digital photogrammetry are usually 
pictures with 256 (8 bit) grey values. This results in a 
considerable disadvantage for the digital method. A 
simple visual comparison of grey value and colour 
images depicting the same scene illustrates how much 
information is lost in grey value images. The same loss of 
information occurs when other channels of a picture, e.g. 
a infra-red channel is not used as input for surface 
reconstruction. The reason for the limitation of digital 
photogrammetry to grey value images consisted in the 
amount of image data which increases threefold in the 
case of three colour channels. But nowadays, the price of 
Storage media with large capacity can be neglected. As 
the data not only has to be stored but also processed, 
colour images require an improved processing 
performance of the computer. This performance has not 
ceased to increase with every new generation of 
computer processors in recent years and won't do so in 
coming years. Therefore the complete exploitation of 
image information in digital photogrammetry becomes a 
possibility which should be realised (Weisensee, Wrobel, 
2.Facets Stereo Vision 
The method for object reconstruction discussed in this 
paper is an object space base one: Facet Stereo Vision 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
(Wrobel, 1987). It is based on inverting the process of 
image formation using a finite element model of the 
object surface and of the object grey values consisting of 
patches called facets. Generally, functions T°, T"'.. 
describe the transformation of image grey values 
G(x.y LG 'xX¥) at pixel positions (x,y), 
(x,y) to object grey values G(X,Y) at a position (X,Y) 
in object space. 
T'(G'G',y)J- GQCGY) 
T"{G"(x",y") }= G(X, Y) 
If outer and inner orientation and approximate values 
ZEN for the object surface are known the grey 
values in the vicinity of (X5, v^ can be described by a 
Taylor series. 
G' (X9 dx, Y" *-dY4-aG* (dX, dY)- G'(X*, Y?) 
ec (X5. eG (X^, Y?) 
V ay 
dY-- dG' (X, Y). 
Inserting (2) into (1) yields: 
Gy) T: (G'CX*, Y*)4 
80 T) qn dG* (X, Y)). 
The image rays passing the point of projection 
(X 5, Y'5,Z'y) yield a formula linking differences dX and 
dY with differences dZ: 
CCE, | 
ox 3) 

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