Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Paul R T Newby 
Chairman, ISPRS Working Group IV/3 and Director, GEO-UK Ltd 
9 Merrytree Close, West Wellow, Romsey, Hants SO51 6RB, United Kingdom 
Invited Paper for Commission IV, Working Group 3 
KEY WORDS : Change Detection, Revision, Surveying, Management, Automation, Database Updating, 
Map Revision, Softcopy Photogrammetry 
The Chairman presents his report on Working Group activity during the session 1992-96, including an overview of 
papers submitted for this Congress as well as relevant reports on practice and research published earlier in the 
Session. He outlines the present status of map and database revision : the inevitable move from analytical to digital 
techniques for routine production work has only just begun, with the adoption of digital mono-plotting by several 
respected organisations. Meanwhile research efforts continue towards the automation of the processes of change 
detection and feature extraction. However, apart perhaps from small scale map revision in remote or forested areas, 
practical realisations are still awaited. In the course of these discussions the author points towards how practice may 
develop over the coming four years, under the influence of possible technical changes such as high resolution digital 
imagery from commercial satellites, airborne digital cameras, orthophotos with all features correctly positioned (not 
just those at ground level), and the evolution of pen computers into digital photogrammetric workstations in the hands 
of field surveyors. In view of the overlap of interest between many of the Commissions and Working Groups of 
ISPRS, it is certain that much material relevant to map and database revision will be found in the sessions and 
archives of other Groups; it is hoped that this will lead to pressure from participants for a more convenient ISPRS 
structure in the future. 
Le président du Groupe de Travail présente son compte rendu des activités pendant la session 1992-96, ci-inclus un 
panorama sur les articles offerts à ce Congrés et sur des publications pertinentes pendant ces quatre derniéres 
années. |l offre un tour d'horizon sur la situation actuelle de la mise à jour de cartes et de bases de données : le 
changement inévitable de la photogrammétrie analytique vers les procédés entiérement numériques vient de 
commencer, avec l'introduction de stations de travail monoscopiques au sein de plusieurs organismes de cartographie 
officielle. En méme temps, des études continuent vers l'automatisation des procédés de la détection des 
changements sur le terrain et de la saisie de données sur les objets topographiques. Pourtant, jusqu'ici on attend des 
réalisations pratiques de l’automatisation, sauf peutêtre en matière de la révision des cartes aux petites échelles des 
forêts et d’autres régions éloignées. Au cours de son exposé, l’auteur suggère l’évolution dans la pratique pendant 
les quatre prochaines années, sous l'influence des progrès techniques tels que les images satellitaires de haute 
résolution, les photographies numériques aériennes, les orthophotographies à géométrie correcte (même sur les 
toits!), et l'évolution de l'ordinateur portatif vers une station de travail photogrammétrique utilisable sur le terrain. Vu 
le chevauchement entre plusieurs des Commissions et Groupes de Travail de la SIPT, il en est certain que beaucoup 
d'articles pertinents à la révision se trouveront dans les sessions et les archives de ces autres groupes. On espére 
que, enfin, une structure plus utile sera requise par les adhérents de la SIPT. 
1. INTRODUCTION have been adopted in practice. Some progress has also 
been made in the more difficult aspects of digital 
The period from 1992 to 1996 has been a fruitful one for ~~ photogrammetry involving image understanding, which 
developments in both the techniques and the may eventually lead to practical procedures for change 
management of map and database revision. The detection and feature extraction. 
revolution in photogrammetry as a whole, founded on the 
transition from silver halide to digital or softcopy images ^ Due both to personal circumstances and to my judgment 
has proceeded apace (Welch, 1992,  Heipke, 1995). that in the prevailing economic conditions the market for 
Meanwhile the importance of database update as the 
main task of mapping organisations for the future has 
been widely recognised and the management of this 
activity has evolved accordingly. Relevant aspects of 
digital photogrammetry which were ready for production 
technical meetings was already saturated, no Working 
Group meetings have been held during the present 
session except for the Commission symposium in 1994 
and the present Congress. However very considerable 
support for the Working Group has been displayed in 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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