Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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encourages the use of slower and therefore less grainy 
films. Meanwhile film manufacturers also claim to have 
improved their emulsions. Thus all recent trends have 
encouraged photogrammetrists to expect sharper, better 
images than ever before. Moreover, for the surprisingly 
demanding task of detecting and surveying change while 
minimising the need for subsequent field completion, 
reducing the scale of photography has not proved to be a 
sensible way of exploiting the improved geometric 
accuracy of modern photography and measuring 
systems. Instead, ease of interpretation has become 
the dominant requirement. Throwing all of this away in 
exchange for the privilege of viewing lower resolution 
pixel-based images on a computer screen requires an act 
of faith or a dramatic cost advantage. Nevertheless 
Stirling (1995) has reported that users of digital systems 
do get used to the comparatively fuzzy screen images 
and that the loss of information is not severe. 
This introduces the question of the trade-off between 
pixel resolution and data volume which affects the cost of 
capture, storage and transmission of data. The 
standard was set by the Zeiss/Intergraph PhotoScan, 
which allows a smallest pixel size of 7.5 um. This 
implies about 600Mb of data per aerial image. Much 
discussion of the minimum practical resolution has 
ensued, without a firm consensus yet emerging. 
However it seems likely that most users will eventually 
settle for pixels in the 15 to 25 um range, or some 100Mb 
per image. Whether or not the next generation has 
difficulty with the storage volumes involved (terabytes per 
year for the national mapping of a medium sized 
country), processing speeds and transmission rates will 
certainly be critical, as will the disciplines of managing 
such quantities of data. 
Until very recently the idea of replacing the conventional 
aerial camera with a digital system in the aircraft seemed 
ludicrous. Such sensors have now already flown. IGN 
(France) has been seeking collaborators for further 
development of their experimental digital camera. 
Meanwhile in North America systems are in use for 
environmental monitoring and are producing images 
which show some potential even for urban map revision 
(Monday et al, 1994). At the same time several long- 
heralded commercial  satellite-borne high-resolution 
imaging systems may be launched in 1997 and will then 
yield results for discussion at the next round of ISPRS 
symposia. With planned pixel sizes of one to two 
metres on the ground these will certainly be of interest for 
small scale map revision. They will surely not replace 
airborne imagery for the update of large scale databases, 
although some contribution to automated change 
detection, even for large scale work, may be foreseen. 
At its most basic level the DPWS has monocular viewing 
only, of a single image whose geometry is corrected by a 
good DTM. This is the solution now being adopted by 
several respected organisations. However, any 
monocular system deliberately discards one of the most 
crucial benefits of photogrammetric surveying, namely 
stereoscopic viewing. Of course this serious 
disadvantage may be outweighed by the obvious 
simplicity and economy of monoplotting systems. If not, 
it will be necessary to wait for the hand-held field 
computer to combine monocular photogrammetry with 
the surveyor's eye view at ground level before the loss of 
stereoscopy will be tolerated by most photogrammetrists. 
At the next level of present-day development, with the 
addition of stereoscopic viewing, the DPWS replicates 
the functionality of an analytical plotter. Like the old 
universal analogue machines, in its most advanced form 
it will be able to be used for all known photogrammetric 
processes. All DPWS will have the facility of viewing the 
existing vector or raster map data, together with any new 
data captured from the current aerial image. Many 
processes will eventually be automated. 
For revision purposes its capture and edit system must 
integrate easily with the existing database or GIS. This 
integration points to a major advantage of digital 
photogrammetry in terms of quality management : real 
world geometry will always be maintained, or at least 
departures from it will be immediately apparent. 
Along the way the DPWS will be able to generate DTMs 
automatically and will allow them to be edited in a user- 
friendly way. From the DTM orthophotos will in turn be 
generated automatically; for them to be of serious use in 
urban areas for map revision or indeed any other 
purpose it is essential that they should show the tops, as 
well as the bases, of buildings in their correct planimetric 
positions. ^ This obvious requirement had long been 
overlooked by researchers and system vendors, so it 
seemed a remarkable breakthrough when Meister & Dan 
(1994) described just such a process during the last 
Commission IV symposium. Within months at least one 
leading vendor (Leica) was including a similar procedure 
in a DPWS although the onus remains on the user to 
capture the necessary three dimensional building model 
manually in order to exploit this capability of the 
orthophoto software. ^ Now, everyone is tackling this 
problem vigorously and it will soon seem incredible that it 
was ignored for so long. Once this "building lean" is 
eliminated automatically, the floodgates will open for the 
acceptance of orthophotos for urban mapping. Since 
currency is also crucial in the urban environment, this 
will immediately affect both expectations and methods for 
urban database update, perhaps ultimately even ending 
the dominance of the line map as the preferred portrayal 
of urban areas. 
In this section | will review progress in map and database 
revision reported earlier in this four year session of 
ISPRS. | hope that speakers at this Congress will 
present us with real progress towards the goal of 
automation, which will allow this increasingly cost- 
conscious world to contain the cost of database 
maintenance in the future. Meanwhile almost all of the 
processes used in practical map revision today still rely 
on the human operator. The excellence of the human 
eye and brain, or what soldiers call “the Mark 1 eyeball”, 
at tasks of image understanding and pattern recognition 
is even harder to reproduce in a computer than it is to 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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