Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

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free choice of proportions when presenting the structure 
and can show a drawn constructional line on the 
background of photomosaic or, on the contrary, the 
picture of a detail can be exposed on the background of 
the drawing. A desire to make photointerpretation 
possible may prompt the editor to the very vast use of 
photomosaics. It should be considered, however, that 
due to the better geometric interpretability of stereopairs 
rather than single pictures, the usable linear accuracy of 
photomosaics is a degree lower than that of the drawing; 
on the other hand, the price of photomosaic does not 
depend upon the density of details to be shown, and 
therefore pictorial presentation may be for some 
monuments (e.g.richly decorated) much cheaper than the 
linear one. 
Therefore a general rule can be adapted, that 
constructional lines of a structure should be presented 
rather in a vectorial manner, while decorative details can 
be very well presented as a half-tone insertions. In some 
cases [Jachimski 1975] it would be enough just to 
supplement a fotoplan of a facade with some plotted 
lines, just to better define openings or other 
constructional details. 
À very interesting examples of combination of rectified 
photographic image and linear object representation ware 
presented at the ISPRS Washington Congress [Pallaske, 
Presently available powerfull interactive photogrammetric 
work-stations provide for a very easy screen presentation 
of various combinations of vector and raster technique of 
object evaluation. That way the final selection of 
configuration of each portion on an object documentation 
can be verified visually, to the best benefit of the 
Present photogrammetric workstations are extremely 
universal and flexible - not all that flexibility is necessarily 
indispensable, however, for producing proper 
documentation of a historic monument. For those 
applications extremely important would be reasonable 
price of an efficient enough system, which would allow 
for photogrammetry direct application by various 
monument recording and restoration teams. 
Let us try to determine the functions of photogrammetric 
Workstations which are indispensable for historic 
monument recording. 
As for the recording of monuments variety of cameras 
can be used - the devoted workstation must accept any 
metric or nonmetric pictures. To simplify the task we can 
assume that one of PC-instalable terratriangulation 
systems is available (eg.ORIENT), and therefore the 
discussed historic monuments documentation devoted 
workstation (HMDW) must just accept pictures having 
sufficient ground control information. This can be easily 
executed on PC as two-steps or one step orientation of 
stereopare furnished with interior orientation elements or 
as one step DLT orientation for those non-metric 
stereopares which were not initially processed within 
terratriangulation net. 
Our small HMDW must provide though a resolution good 
enough to interpret and survey even very small details of 
historic monuments. It is obvious that high resolution of 
digital image (that of 2000 dpi to 4000 dpi) requires not 
only a lot of disk memory, but also quite powerful screen 
graphics. The on screen image visualization must be so 
designed, that on medium screen format (14"-15") must 
be visible large enough portion of the surveyed 
monument to allow for proper general interpretation, and, 
at the same time, the details must be presented with a 
very high resolution (what requires a lot of the screen 
pixels). That dilemma can be solved the same way as in 
other systems by providing small portion of high 
resolution image in a zoom window with the smaller 
resolution image in the background. If it is steady image 
based system (dynamic floating mark instead of scrolled 
image), it can function with no need for very powerful 
screen memory. To provide the operator with an easy 
approach to the image portions which are out of the 
screen, there would be enough to use a large RAM. In the 
RAM memory the image portions fitting the screen size 
(or part of it) would be stored (virtual screen) to provide 
very fast image change and visualization of portions 
close to the actually visible ones. The RAM of course can 
not be big enough to accommodate full stereopare 
images. Therefor such a rotary system must be adopted, 
that the RAM stored image portions always surround the 
portion currently visible on the screen. After several RAM 
pre-stored image portions have been used, the RAM 
stored images must be rearranged; that requires some 
extra time, but with relatively large RAM does not have to 
happen too often. Not only the main scale image 
exchange on the screen relies on the PC RAM in such 
system design. Also the zoom window can use the image 
portions taken from the image pyramid (which could also 
be ZOOM-ed on purpose). 
So, in proposed solution the universal-use RAM rather 
then the screen memory is used, what allows to use 
typical off-shelf PC sets with hardware flexible for other 
programs. The proposed HMDW uses image pyramid in 
which the highest resolution image is predestined for 
ZOOM-window, one of intermediate images is used as a 
basic full screen visualized image, and the pyramid top 
image of smallest resolution should fit a half screen size 
and be used for the free selection of working stereopare 
portions (those which are visualized for evaluation). It is 
obvious that behind the relatively large RAM (not smaller 
than 8 MG) would have to be a big hard disc available. 
To easy deal with many high resolution images (one 6 x 
6 cm image requires for true colour at 2000 dpi some 75 
MB memory) it would be advantageous to furnish the PC 
system with exchangeable hard disks of short data 
transfer time rather than magneto-optical or similar 
Altogether the above system may work perfectly, but 
being based in a large extend on the PC/RAM, it does not 
go well with windows operation system on the middle 
size PC-computers. But lack of the common user friendly 
communication system would make our HMDW difficult 
to learn by all those users majority accustomed to use 
windows operation system. Therefore intermediate 
solution must be adopted, and an extra programmed 
user friendly communication system similarly operated 
as ,windows" should be introduced. Of course such a 
windows-like interface would not have all the features 
typical for real windows operating system but would use 
less RAM. It would provide though, an easy enough 
communication with the HMDW program. Easy - 
because working on principles well know to the majority 
of users. 
The system stereovision working on principle of steady 
image split screen stereo perception is probably the most 
easily fitting the natural fizjological men vision system, 
and - no doubt - the least expensive at present. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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