Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

4.3 GIS-Analysis 
Based on the existing sociological studies of macrophytes 
and the own experiences conditions for the incidence and 
growth of macrophytes were defined. They depends 
mainly on sediment, water depth and related conditions 
like aspect and slope. This ancillary data were used 
together with the images for the classification. 
Another GIS application is to overlay the data sets for 
change detection. For this macrophyte coverages 
obtained by the classification of the aerial photographs 
from 1992 and 1995 were overlayed (Fig. 2). 
Macrophytes, May 1992 
EM Macrophytes, May 1995 
i Land 
Fig. 2.: The change of distribution of the macrophytes 
between 1992 and 1995 
The processing of the data of different sensors illustrates 
that the acquisition time of the images is very important 
for the quality of image interpretation and classification. A 
high amount of chlorophyll and suspended material in the 
water falsifies the spectral reflectance of the macro- 
phytes. In addition they decrease the visibility of the 
ground. In the Landsat TM scene from July the macro- 
phytes differ from the background maximally up to 3.5 m 
water depth. The visible macrophytes could be separated 
only in 2 classes. The low resolution of the scene does 
not permit a sharp demarcation of macrophytes in the 
Greifswalder Bodden. The population areas especially 
near the coast are too small for the rough resolution. That 
means a lot of mixed pixels. 
The Spot images represent the boundary of macrophytes 
better, that's why Spot scenes can be used as a filter 
mask for macrophytes. A classification and separation of 
the vegetation under water was not possible with the Spot 
Photo flights offer great possibilities to get high quality 
photographs in accordance to the requirements of the 
application; scale of the photos, film material, filter and 
others can be considered. A further advantage of photo 
flights is the flexibility in flight planning. Thus, the optimal 
time can be chosen. 
The spectral classification of the aerial photographs did 
not bring satisfying results in spite of carefully selected 
training areas. Up to 2 m water depth the classes are be 
very good separable. If the water depth increases the 
classification accuracy decreases. Deeper than 4.5 m the 
variance of the spectral class values of the macrophytes 
and the background are higher then the distance of their 
class centers. Therefore a definite delimitation of macro- 
phytes is impossible in this depth only by spectral classi- 
fication. The combination of ancillary data together with 
remote sensing data within a GIS supports the classifica- 
tion process. The use of ancillary data improved the 
classification results on an average of 9 percent. 
The evaluation of the vegetation changes (Fig. 2) indicate 
seemingly a high decreasing of macrophytes from 1992 
to 1995. A check of some test sites in summer of 1995 
did not supported this result. In the time of the photo 
flights the vegetation was not enough developed because 
of cold and stormy weather conditions before. 
All tested sensors can be used in the digital mapping of 
macrophytes. The use of a special sensor depends on 
the application. The best results come from aerial photo- 
graphs taken by a photogrammetric camera in the scale 
of 1:10000. This photos represent an acceptable area of 
ground. That facilitate the view over the area, the rectifi- 
cation and the georeferencing. The processing of images 
is more effective than the processing of the 'Low-Cost'- 
Images taken by an amateur camera in the scale of 
1:5000. The Low-Cost-Images should be used only for 
small areas close to the shore because the rectification 
and geocoding is very difficult. A lot of images could not 
be georeferenced without a high number of put out con- 
trol points in the water area. On the other side the classi- 
fication results are finer than from the aerial photographs. 
The self-made photoflights with an amateur camera are 
very flexible and their costs do not exceed one fourth of 
the photoflight with a photogrammetric camera. 
The use of satellite imagery in the Greifswalder Bodden 
for mapping macrophytes is limited because of the low 
resolution (Landsat TM) and/ or the absence of multi- 
spectral bands (Spot). 
The integration of remote sensing data within a GIS is 
necessary to combine the advantages of several sensors 
and to compensate their disadvantages, which are 
increased by special properties of under water research. 
Moreover the integration improves the quality of the 
classification results and approves the comparability of 
data at different times. 
This work was sponsored by German Science Foundation 
(DFG) and supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer 
Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) and the research group 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996

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