Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

Space Research center,Baghdad-IRAQ 
WG VII/4-Geological and Mineral Resources 
KEY WORDS: Remote-Sensing,Geology,Hydrology,Interpretation,Recognation,Land sat,Thematic Image. 
Shifting and changing of rivers properties (Bed,Cross Section, banks, pattern) are the most important features 
noticed at the Maturity and old stages of Tigris river down Samarra (150 km north Baghdad). 
Satellite records (Landsat 4,5 and Spot) Arial photographs, pattern recognition, was done as office work to de- 
tect the old courses of the river, Also field work was done to measure the bank retreat for a period of one year by 
using pins pierced on the banks, Also included the observation of the changing river bed and cross section of six 
selected places and comparing the results with scientific work done at 1976,1979. 
Other sdtudies by using Remote sensing and field work was done to notice the evolution of river islands with 
time ( last fourty years ). Many control points choosed along the present course as a references by measuring the 
distance to the river, Then comparing the distances with old data to detect the direction of shift. 
The general conclusion that the present course of River is the fourth generation since pliestocene, And Tigris 
now more active in building up than erosion , it is not likely to change it's course suddenly but may shift to East 
if the enviromental condition or tectonic stability are changed. 
1. Introduction erosion places ((more than 35 cm/period)). These 
There are many features noticed at the maturity pins checked and measurred at the four scasons per 
and old stages of Tigris river down Samarra (150 km one year 1994, To notice the rate of erosion of banks 
north Baghdad ) These features give us primary idea sediment a ssociated with water level (winter & 
about the location of old courses of the rivers, Then Spring ) high level and ( Sammer & Autum) low lev- 
the probability of river shifting and its direction, Its el. 
have very important result at the river banks at The result show different cases range from no 
towns, Agriculature Land, Industrial places, Water change or few cms in very high pins out of reach of 
intake pipes for differint purposes, Bridges, Neviga- water to more than 6m in active places mostly at out- 
tion. er arc of river meander. 
Then the anti-erosion action of banks could help to 4.2- Changing of river bed and banks: measured at 
save the plases and be alwayes in safty condition. six places choosed carefuly along the stuided area, 
2. Geology by using Echosounder c-10 and currentmeter 
The studied area coverd with Quaternary sediment WAS21/M. 
specialy Alluvial deposits with appearnce of three The result copmared with old scientific Research 
index set of river Terraces west of the present reports 1976-1979, That showing the changing hap- 
course. .— pened at the depth's and location of the course with 
3. Data the slow down of current vebcity a bout 50% less 
Many types of data used to detect the old courses than the velocity at that years.((Fig 1)). 
and the recent condition of the river. 4.3- Bank sediment samples: About 50 sample of 
a- Satellite Landsat-TM 4 and TM 5-1989 and Bank sediment collected and processed labratory , 
Spot record-1989. Drying - weighting- seiving then measuring the co- 
b- Airal photographs 195701982. hesion of sediment. The result show about 83% of 
c- Historical references . banks sediment are sand with low cohesion forces 
d- Scientific research reports. for that we expect the river bank easy to erode by ac- 
4. Field work tion of water and other effecting factors. 
4.1- Pins: 66 set pierced along studied area with 4.4- Nevigation : The river nevigation of diffirent 
different hights above the water level on the banks, sizes of boat's may generat different the banks and 
Each pin long 50 cm (35cm pierc on bank and 15 cm withen time eroded them depending upion the veloc- 
appears verticaly also refernce points tock place on ity and size of the boat and the nevigation distance 
river leeve to measure the retrat of banks in active way of bank. To measure the hight and namber of 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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