Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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The paper presents some concepts for the construction 
of a high resolution landscape monitoring system 
based on: 
a tailored spatial model called ‘fields in objects’, 
radiometrically corrected orthophotos, and 
a supervised hierarchical classification system 
applying crisp and fuzzy mathematics. 
These concepts enable the representation of both 
discrete and continuous terrain features in space and 
time. Because many natural landscapes show a mosaic 
of gradual and discontinuous spatial and temporal 
changes, digital landscape models constructed 
according to the proposed methods are a more 
adequate representation of reality compared to 
conventional methods based on the concept of land 
units and patches. 
The proposed methods are successfully applied for the 
modelling of the vegetation structure of the catchment 
area of the Amsterdam Water Supply, i.e. the 
Amsterdam Waterworks Dunes (Droesen et al., 1995). 
This dune area counts as one of the most complex 
natural landscapes in the Netherlands considering its 
geomorphology and vegetation. Two false colour 
photographs on a scale 1:5000 and a 10 year interval 
were transformed into digital orthophotos with a 
resolution of 0.5 metre. In a step wise supervised 
classification the crisp and fuzzy classes are interpreted 
conform the example land cover hierarchy in figure 3. 
Due to the hierarchical set up of the interpretation 
process, all land cover classes could be accurately 
classified. The classification accuracy for all classes 
varied between 90 and 95 percent. During the 
presentation the results of the case will be shown and 
The monitoring system yields a wealth of high 
resolution land cover information providing the 
Amsterdam Water Supply a sound starting point for a 
wide range of activities like landscape ecological 
research, fauna habitat analysis and policy making with 
respect to hydrological management, nature 
Management and recreation. 
The Amsterdam Water Supply is gratefully 
acknowledged for funding the presented study and for 
providing the data for the case in the Amsterdam 
Waterworks Dunes. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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