Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

Beate Eibl, Heike Bach, Wolfram Mauser 
Institute of Geography, University of Munich 
Luisenstr. 37, D-80333 Munich, Germany 
Tel.: +49-89-5203 335, Fax.: +49-89-5203 321 
Email: b.eibl@iggf.geo.uni-muenchen.de 
Commission VII, Working group | 
KEY WORDS: Remote sensing, Classsification, LANDSAT, Spectroscopy, 
Spectral mixture analysis, Bare soil surfaces, Geology 
Abstract: A LANDSAT-TM-5 image from a desert area was classified with the spectral mixture 
analysis. The endmember for the spectral unmixing were selected by means of field spectroscopy 
By this approach 98% of the image could be classified with an average rms of 0.7%. The results of 
the linear unmixing were confirmed by ground truth data. 
Kurzfassung: Ein LANDSAT-TM-5-Bild aus der Libyschen Wüste wurde mit der Linearen Entmi- 
schung klassifiziert. Die Endmember für die Entmischung wurden aus der Analyse von Feldspektro- 
meter-Messungen ausgewählt. Mit dieser Methode konnten 98 ?6 des Bildes mit einem durch- 
schnittlichen RMS von 0.796 klassifiziert werden. Die Ergebnisse wurden anhand von Gelándedaten 
Field spectroscopy and LANDSAT-TM-5 are two remote 
sensing systems which cover the same wavelength range 
from 0.4 to 2.4um, however, they differ in the spatial and 
spectral resolution. In this study a LANDSAT-TM-5 image 
was classified with the spectral mixture analysis and field 
spectra were used for the selection of the endmembers. 
Their high resolution of 2 - 6nm is usefull for determining 
very small differences in the spectral signatures of the 
This combination of datas was applied to the charac- 
terization of bare soil surfaces particularly for loose sedi- 
ments. The study area was Wadi Rayan southwest of Cairo 
in the Libyan desert. It is an escarpment surrounded by 
pediments. A broad dune belt covers the center of the 
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0 I | 1 | 1 | 1 | Ï | 
0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 
wavelength (um) 
study area and several longitudinal dunes are located be- 
tween the escarpments. Allmost all surfaces are covered 
by weathered material. The bedrock is limestone (mainly 
marine) full of the leading fossil Nummulite. In between 
there are layers of clay, sand and flint. A detailled ground 
check was carried out in October 1993 and 96 spectra of 
the soil surfaces were acquired using a SIRIS spec- 
trometer. The LANDSAT-TM image was acquired on 
20.9.1993. The direct comparison of the data (spectro- 
meter and LANDSAT-TM) requires conversion of the data 
into absolute reflectance. Therefore, the processing of the 
LANDSAT-TM image includes an atmospheric correction 
by the radiative transfer code LOWTRAN-7 and a correc- 
tion of the adjacency effects by a weighted filterbox (BACH 
& MAUSER, 1994). For the field spectra there is no 
influence of the atmosphere due to the acquisition method. 
60 = ap Were day 
pour FS. 
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0 I | I | I | 1 | ï 
0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 24 
wavelength (um) 
Fig. 1: Comparison of the measured field spectra with the calibrated data of the LANDSAT-TM bands 1 - 5 and 7 from the 
surrounding of the selected spots 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996

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