Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

Keeping to National Standards: 
A digital base map production for city planning 
requires that the base map to be digitized be revised 
adequately to cater for the cross-sectoral interests of 
the stake holders. The map revision is bound to 
conform with the national standards for cartographic 
production, namely the national projection system, the 
format of the map sheets, the cartographic symbols 
and the sheet layout. All countries keep as much as 
possible to international cartographic standards. The 
revision and production are closely supervised to 
ensure that national and internationally accepted 
standards are kept. All these imply that before the 
digital stage, the conventional methods and the 
outputs are vetted by the mapping authorities. For the 
job done for the UNCHS, the supervision was by the 
statutory body, the Oyo State Survey Department of 
the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Physical Planning 
assisted by the SIP team of planners responsible for 
co-ordinating the project. The final products of the 
conventional methods had to be passed before the 
digitizing stage. : 
The deliverables/outputs were the positive line 
(vector) maps at the two scales, (the 1:50,000 series 
and the 1:25,000 series), the digital versions of the 
two map series, a digital elevation model of the inner 
city area, and a report of the map situation survey of 
the city. The vector maps were delievered in both 
transparencies and paper copies, while the digital 
versions were in ARC/NFO format stored on 
diskettes and in pen-plotted colour-coded paper 
The results have been enthusiastically received by 
the opinion leaders, planners, urban managers and 
other stake holders of Ibadan city. In the proceess of 
the production, the consultations with actual and 
potential map users helped in raising the awareness 
of the importance of a working base map as a primary 
document for the derivation of a wide range of 
services and utility maps of the city. The successful 
execution of the project enhances RECTAS's 
capability in utilizing critical capacities built-up at 
RECTAS for providing consulting services in the area 
of such mapping projects of other cities, and most 
importantly in the training of the indigenous African 
manpower to handle the aspects of the mapping and 
map data programmes. 
Ibadan as a mega city presents the most difficult 
mapping problem. The successful execution of the 
job indicates that RECTAS can do similar jobs much 
more easily for Nigeria and other African countries. 
The output will help in effectively resolving 
environmental issues associated with Ibadan 
economic growth and physical expansion as well as 
other cities in future. The results will help to compare 
the Sustainable Ibadan Project (SIP) in Oyo State, 
Nigeria, with eleven other demonstration Sustainable 
City Projects (SCP) selected world-wide. 
RECTAS has already been drawn into the SIP 
programmes to use its capability in raising the local 
manpower for the implementation of the digital 
map/data production and management and remote 
sensing applications. 
RECTAS plans to organize seminars later on this 
project to spread the experience gained and the 
methodology for sustainable cities development/urban 
management programmes. We welcome relationship 
with other organisations involved, or intending to be 
involved in similar projects. 
The success of this project would have helped SIP 
tremendously in the preparatory activities towards the 
Second United Nations Conference on Human 
Settlements (Habitat il) in Istanbul, Turkey in June 
We wish to acknowledge the critical capacities and 
capabilities at RECTAS which have been built-up with 
the Technical Assistance of Donor 
organisations/countries such as the European Union, 
the French Government and the Netherlands 
Government under the EEC/ITC/GDTA/RECTAS 
support project, amongst others. The UNCHS 
(Habitat), Nairobi, for giving us the opportunity to 
execute this project. The SIP planning team for their 
effective, sharp criticism and comments/advice and 
engaged control of the project. The Centre 
acknowledges with gratitude the additional efforts of 
the Federal Government of Nigeria, the host country 
of RECTAS, in providing funds for capital 
development expansion to ensure the 
accommodation of the critical capacity equipment 
being provided RECTAS under Technical Assistance. 
Without all the above, the execution of the project 
would not have been possible. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 
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