Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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in the GIS (see fig. 1). Haze and histogram corrections 
were applied to the data in order to minimize atmospheric 
The second data set comprises the available geologic 
information available for that area. It is contained in a 
geological map that was produced through a combination 
of visual image interpretation of "optimized" Landsat TM 
images (KAUFMANN & SCHWEINFURTH, 1989), field work, 
and laboratory investigations. The available aeromagnetic 
and gravity data were also transformed to the UTM grid 
and input into the GIS. 
The geological map of the study area, comprising about 
40,000 squ. km, shows 61 geologic/lithologic units. For 
digital classification as well as for representation on a 
small-scale map, this number is far too high. Conse- 
quently, similar lithologic units were lumped together until 
27 major units were left. These units were arranged into 5 
1. Quaternary (3 units); 
2. Intrusive rocks (6 units); 
3. Sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks (7 units); 
4. Volcanic rocks (8 units); 
5. Volcano-sedimentary rocks (3 units). 
For each group, a mask was created and a maximum 
likelihood classifier was applied to the ratio data within this 
mask, using the respective lithologic units as classes. All 
in all, 240 representative sites (ROls or AOls) about which 
reliable field and petrographic evidence was available 
were carefully selected within the entire map region and 
used as "training areas". In this way, both the a priori 
knowledge from the map and the spectral data could be 
used in the classification (Orr, 1996). Subsequently, the 5 
separate classification results obtained for each of the 
masked areas were joined for the final classification 
shown in fig. 7. The classification is presented in its "raw" 
form, without any smoothing algorithm applied. 
The result of a first supervised digital classification using 
these additional data sets was a significantly improved 
discrimination of the geologic units as compared to a clas- 
sification based on spectral data only. Actually, a spectral 
classification into 27 lithologic classes would be a rather 
hopeless undertaking in the first place. 
The result is also interesting when compared to the origi- 
nal map information used for the masking: There are sev- 
eral cases in which the interpreter was somewhat doubtful 
about divisions he had made on the map, e.g. the separa- 
tion of acidic vs. basic intrusives. In this combined classifi- 
cation it can be seen that some of the doubtful decisions 
were, in fact, not correct. 
The resolution of the available geophysical data is, unfor- 
tunately, too low to be used in the classification for dis- 
cfiminating most of the individual geologic bodies; only 
larger structural blocks within the different terranes can be 
Separated. Therefore, the geophysical data sets were not 
used in the classification. It was also tried to use neural 
networks for this rather time-consuming process. At the 
moment, however, the amount of data involved cannot be 
handled satisfactorily by neural networks. 
The combination of image processing and GIS greatly 
enhances the potential of interpretation and classification 
of remotely sensed data. The use of GIS technology is a 
realistic way to include a priori knowledge, topographic, 
mineralogic and geophysical data sets into the classifica- 
tion process, leading to results superior to both purely 
spectral classification and existing field/interpretation geo- 
logical maps. 
The combination of topographic and geophysical data with 
remotely sensed imagery improves the visualization and 
thus the interpretability of geologic data. GIS classification 
of geophysical data sets provides a "second opinion" on 
results of spectral analyses. 
The research described here was conducted within the 
Special Research Project on Arid Regions (Sonderfor- 
schungsbereich 69). Funding by Deutsche Forschungs- 
gemeinschaft and Freie Universitat Berlin is gratefully 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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