Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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Brazil, low 
nutrient, biomass and productivity levels are typically 
associated with the warm, high salinity surface water 
mass, the Tropical Water (TW). The oligotrophic TW 
occupies the upper 200 m of the water column, being 
carried by the Brazilian Current (BC) along the 200 m 
isobath and is characterized by temperatures higher than 
20°C and salinities greater than 36 PSU (Signorini, 1978). 
Increased plankton biomass and productivity observed in 
the SBB are linked to an increase in nitrogen 
concentrations caused by intrusions of SACW along the 
bottom of the continental shelf and inshore areas (Valentin 
et al., 1987, Brandini, 1990, Gaeta ef al., 1996). 
In this paper, a set of AVHRR infrared images for the 
SBB are compared with surface variations in the 
mesoscale distribution of chemical (nitrate) and biological 
properties (phytoplankton biomass) to show that an 
observed increase in productivity was caused by the 
horizontal advection of a cold water mass originating at 
Cabo Frio due to a strong upwelling event. 
2.1 Satellite Data 
Daily images from the Advanced Very High Resolution 
Radiometer (AVHRR) — aboard the TIROS-N/NOAA 
satellites have been recorded in the High Resolution 
Picture Transmission (HRPT) mode by INPE in the level 
I-B NOAA format (Kidwell, K.B., 1992) since 
September of 1992. The digital satellite data were 
processed using the SEAPAK software (McClain et al., 
1992) to generate the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) 
maps used for analysis. The digital processing of this data 
set involved: a) image ingestion with the separation of the 
five channel images from the interleaved original data; b) 
application of one of the Multichannel Sea Surface 
Temperature (MCSST) NOAA algorithms for atmospheric 
correction and generation of the SST images (McClain et 
al, 1985); c) remaping to a common map projection 
(Mercator) and geographical gridding; and d) digital 
Image enhancement to increase the contrast and to 
facilitate interpretation of the thermal features present. 
22 Biological and Nutrient in situ data 
A total of 51 stations were occupied from January 25 to 
February 04, 1993 (Fig.2). Along each of the cross shelf 
transects, hydrography (CTD with rosette system), 
lutrlents, and phytoplankton biomass data were obtained 
at indicated stations. In addition, 3-4 of the stations 
occupied along each transect were chosen to make in situ- 
simulated diurnal experimental observations of primary 
productivity. Vertical distributions of nutrients and 
phytoplankton biomass were based on samples collected at 
(standard) depths: 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 200, 300 m. 
Nutrient concentrations were determined according to 
Grasshoff (1983) and chlorophyll a concentrations were 
measured by fluorescence (Yentsch and Menzel, 1963). 
Primary productivity was determined by the 14¢ tracer 
technique of Steemann-Nielsen (1952). 
Fig. 3a shows that by the mid part of January of 1995, a 
strong upwelling event had been stablished in the Cabo 
Frio area. Two upwelling centers (18°C ) can be observed, 
one at Cabo Frio and other near Cabo Sáo Tomé. It is also 
clear that the former surface center is being advected 
southwestward, with the upwelling plume reaching the 
southern vicinity of Säo Sebastiäo Island (23.8°S; 
45.6°W), the northernmost part of the oceanographic 
survey area (See Fig. 2). A gradual increase in 
temperature with distance is observed, probably resulting 
from mixing and solar heating. Figure 3b shows that the 
upwelling event was sustained until the end of the 
January, with even lower surface temperature at the Cabo 
Frio upwelling core. Again, the upwelling plume is seen 
being advected to the area near S3o Sebastiäo. 
Figure 4a shows the surface nitrate concentration with two 
maxima (1.5 to 2.0 uM) present on the northernmost inner 
shelf and slope areas. Comparing the surface nitrate field 
with the SST maps, it is clear that the very extensive 
tongues of cold water advected southwestward and 
reaching the center of the SSB, are spatially correlated 
with the upwelled nitrate. Thus, the phytoplankton 
biomass bloom observed at the surface (Fig. 4b) on the 
mid-shelf (100-150 m depths) was influenced by nutrient 
enriched waters from Cabo Frio 300 km distant from this 
Values of chlorophyll a integrated over the euphotic zone 
(not shown) revealed that there is not a monotonic decline 
in the seaward direction, but rather shows a trend, with the 
highest values occurring in two sites: one at the shelf on 
the northernmost sections and the other at the slope near 
the southern corner of the sampled region. The former, as 
previously stated, was enriched by cold waters from Cabo 
Frio and, in addition, showed maximum chlorophyll a at 
the surface. On the other hand, the later showed maximum 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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