Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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louds, haze 
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The reflectance function is dependent from the wave- 
length of the electromagnetic spectrum and must be 
defined as a spectral dimension. It can be determined 
only with an enormous measuring and computation 
By an integrated approach of interaction mechanisms 
between objects and matching colouration on the film 
emulsion following statesments can be made: 
To predict the colouration of an object or parts of an 
object on a photograph a lot of parameters (sun ra- 
diation, atmosphere, object characteristic, camera 
objective, camera filter, film emulsion etc.) must be 
considered, determined or measured. 
+ Due to the radiometric and spectral characteristics of 
the above mentioned parameters it is impossible to 
get a determined transformation between colours of 
an object on a photograph with a true colour (TC) 
emulsion and such one of a colour infrared (CIR) 
+ The correlation of reflectance within similar objects 
classes (e.g. coniferious forests) is very high. 
+ Distributions of radiation intensities on TC and CIR 
photographs (e.g. difference between sunny and sha- 
dowed areas) are correlated to a high degree. 
3.1 Field of tasks 
Within a water management project in the district of Alt- 
heim (Upper Austria) a land-use classification was 
necessary in order to obtain draining and water mana- 
gement parameters. The classification for the whole area 
(approximately 300km?) was done by statistical methods 
using colour-infrared aerial photographs (photo scale 
appr. 1:15.000). The positions of - in the ground coordi- 
nate system - regular sample plots were distorted for 
each photograph to the photo coordinate system by the 
parameters of the interior and exterior orientation, using 
à digital terrain model (Bart! et al, 1996). 
For the visualization of results, such as the location of 
measured river profiles, potential areas for floods depen- 
dent on different disaster levels, orthophotos were pro- 
duced. Due to the limited financial resources of this pro- 
fct the request of the customer to get true coloured 
orthophotos by making an own photo flight had to be 
cancelled and orthophotos were produced using the 
colour-infrared photo material. To solve the problem that 
the non photogrammetric or interpretation specialists 
feels often confused and irritated by the ,false colours“ of 
the CIR photographs true colour orthophotos were 
Simulated by the algorithms described in this paper. 
3.2 Production of orthoimages 
Te en of the aerial photographs to orthophotos 
N i one by means of digital photogrammetry. First of 
a aerial (CIR) photographs - photographed by the 
NE n „Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen“ 
Y à private photo flight company (Fischer) - were 
scanned on the photogrammetric scanner ZEISS- 
INTERGRAPH PhotoScanner PS1 with a pixel resolution 
of 30um. For saving disc space the image data were 
compressed using a JPEG algorithm. 
The parameters of the exterior orientation were deter- 
mined by means of aerotriangulation (measured on the 
analytical plotter ZEISS P3 and computed with the model 
adjustment software ,PATM" of the Institute of Photo- 
grammetry, University Stuttgart). 
The rectification of the CIR aerial photographs was 
computed on the soft copy station INTERGRAPH 
ImageStation 6787 of the Institute of Surveying and 
Remote Sensing, University of Agriculture, Forestry and 
Renewable Natural Resources. The ground pixel size of 
the orthophotos was 0.5m * 0.5m. Due to the modest 
(geometric) accuracy requirements of the orthophoto 
(only used for visualization purposes) the terrain 
information was derived from the Austrian-wide digital 
terrain model of the Bundesamt für Eich- und 
Vermessungswesen with a ground resolution of 50m. 
3.3 Production of Pseudo True Colour orthophotos 
from Colour Infrared orthophotos 
As described in Chapter 2 there is no unequivocal solu- 
tion to transform colour-infrared (CIR) pixel values to 
true-colour (TC) values. A best-fitting relation between 
CIR values and TC values can be approached. The TC- 
images simulated in this way are called ,pseudo true 
colour” (PTC) images since the result naturally is not 
identical with a TC-image. 
3.3.1 General mathematical approach: The three 
bands of a digital colour infrared image (red band cor- 
responding with the natural infrared part of the electro- 
magnetic spectrum, green band corresponding with the 
natural red part of the electromagnetic spectrum, blue 
band corresponding with the natural green part of the 
electromagnetic spectrum) desribe a three dimensional 
colour space (Rıp Gem B,,). The three bands of a digital 
true colour image (red band corresponding with the natu- 
ral red part of the electromagnetic spectrum, a.s.o.) also 
describe a three dimensional colour space (R,., G,., B,.). 
The relation between the CIR colour space and the TC 
colour space is approximated by the following linear 
Rrc — dio aii- Rem t A12 - Gom + A13 - Ber 
Grc — dao à21* Rein - à227 Gem - à23- Bin (3) 
Brc= aso+ as - Rer+ asn- Ger + ass- Ber 
3.3.2 Determination of transformation elements: To 
estimate the transformation elements described in 
equation (3) identical pixels (,spectral and radiometric 
control points“) in both colour spaces (CIR- and PTC- 
colour space) have to be found. For this purpose true 
colour photo material of a part of the project area is 
needed. This reference photo material can be obtained 
by true colour photos from archives or by taking 
photographs with amateur cameras along with the CIR- 
photo flight. To get (geometrically) identical pixels also 
the reference photo is rectified to an orthophoto with the 
same ground pixel size and geometry as the CIR 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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