Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

As conceptualized here, binary attributes are referred to 
GENETIC ALGORITHM TEMPLATE as "cybergenes" that can be arranged in chromosome-like 
fashion into "cyberchromes." Through the tool-box of 
rules, system properties would be changed according to 
A genetic algorithm that is based on biological genomes, observed stimulus-response patterns beginning with 
but which is also sensitive to environmental attributes and genetic networks and progressing through the terrestria] 
human impacts is shown in Table 1. This approach would environment to atmospheric properties. For example, an 
convert as many field and laboratory observations and increase in mutation rates resulting from increased 
measurements as are available for an ecosystem into ultraviolet radiation, would be accountable in the genetic 
binary sequences representing organisms interacting with 
their environments; and developing the rules required to 
emulate their stimulus-response reactions. 
Table 1. Template for a Genetic Algorithm 
Atmospheric Data in Object Database 
Tropospheric gases concentrations and cycles of O,, CO,, 0/100101/01110010/011001/00010010011/ 
No,, So,. trace gas chemistry, .. 10101/.... 
Aerosols concentrations, cycles,... 000100110/00111/1111/100/00/0/... 
Solar radiation quality, intensity, spectrum, cycles,.. 11/1111/00/100/0001/0000000/... 
Environmental Data in Relational Database 
Human impacts grazing; agriculture; mining; timbering; 10/11100/00111000/10001100/1/0/0/00011/ 
settlement pattern; transportation; point 11000011111/000001/... 
sources; non-point sources; fertilizer and 
pesticide inputs; civil boundaries... 
Near ground atmosphere precipitation cycles and amounts; 001/11011/1110/000/10111/0/11/00/000/1/ 
humidity patterns; temperature norms, 0/00000/... 
extremes, and cycles; snow depth; degree 
Model systems; Field species interactions under controlled, fuzzy rules; neural nets,... 
experiments semi-controlled, and semi-natural : 
Species integration community composition; species fuzzy rules; neural nets; individual species' 
interactions under natural conditions binary tags 
Topographic and edaphic soil moisture regime; soil depth; 11000/001010/1/1/0/00/111/001100/11100/ 
controls lithology; slope; aspect... 100/... 
Taxonomic Date in Object Database 
Species' attributes physiologic and metabolic functions; 000/1/000111/11101/000110111/001/00010/ 
phenotype; range of variability; 0110/11001111/...(includes individual 
geographic range species binary tag) 
Genetic networks stimulus/response; signal path Kinetic models & electrical circuit 
dynamics... simulations 
Genomes base pairs; gene sequences G/A/T/C strings 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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