Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

Wa Ve Nicolaie OPRESCU", Cora BRÁESCUP, Manuel VAIS? 
e S D Technical Univ. of Civil Engineering, Remote Sensing Lab, & Romanian Space Agency 
eld works B-dul Lacul Tei 124,Sect.2,code 72302,Bucharest Romania,T./ F: *40 1312 7780 
? Institute of Optoelectronics,Remote Sensing Department,T./F. --40 1312 4545 Bucharest 
that it is ? Romanian Oil Corporation PETROM, Computing Centre,T./F. + 40 1659 7140 Bucharest 
stment of 
cessing, ISPRS Commission VII / Working Group 3 - Renewable Resources 
d bos KEY WORDS: Integration, Landsat, SAR, SPOT, Fusion, Coast, Change detection, Radiometry. 
ental for 
uaratuba ABSTRACT: 
In the introduction - background - the aims and the interest for the zone are presented: the Danube 
Delta, which was declared a natural biosphere reservation and for which objective and comprehensive 
inventories of the existent state are required, and also for monitoring the evolution of the coastal zone and the 
continental platform of the Black Sea, for monitoring the geomorphologic evolution on medium and long 
n e terms, as well as assessing the impact of the marine drilling platforms (i.e. pollution, a.s.o.). 
Our available means are described: graphic station - supercomputer TITAN with peripherals and 
EASI-PACE software; remote sensing laboratory situated in the Danube Delta, equipped also with a field 
n portable radiometer EXOTECH 100 AX, linked with a 486 DX2 notebook; some recordings SAR-PRI and 
Landsat-TM and also repetitive recordings: Landsat MSS and aerial photos, including "in situ" 
|, cap. 7, measurements correspondent to the period in which some aero-satellite images were recorded. 
In the image processing, interpretation and obtained results section, acquiring and homegenising- 
eliminary compatibilisation of data are presented, rectifying and registration - fusion of the recordings, segmentation of 
enary for the SAR - ERS images, filters for attenuating the speckle type noise, other processing, RGB and IHS colour 
E 9 composites, including RGB - IHS - RGB transforms, supervised and unsupervised classifications, different 
type of contrast stretching methods, principal components, comparison between the results using also the 
confusion matrix. Significant results: (a) seasonal vegetation indices for Danube Delta were obtained in "real 
aciones time", together with reducing the number of the needed satellite recordings by use of radiometric 
measurements; (b) monitoring of the sediment discharge and depositing in the sea; (c) monitoring of the 
e Los morphological coastal modifications; (d) monitoring the influence of the sea state and the wind conditions on 
the backcattered radar signal; (e) monitoring of the "red blossoming" biological pollution in the coastal zone, 
in the warm and in the cold season respectively. 
Porcáo In the final part of the paper, some proposals for further developments are made. 
t. 1976. 1. INTRODUCTION- BACKGROUND - AIMS. The interest for the zone: the Danube Delta, which 
was declared a natural biosphere reservation and for 
de solos. The Danube Delta is one of Europe's most which there are required objective and 
extensive wetlands in a natural state; it forms an comprehensive inventories of the existent state, 
ase unique series of interrelated ecosystems, with its ~~ monitoring of its evolution, taking into account also 
fe large reed beds, maze of with their mosaic of forests the "historical" recordings; the coastal zone and the 
981. and semi-arid grasslands; the Delta ecosystems continental platform of the Black Sea, for 
cover about 564.000 ha; of this 442.000 ha lie monitoring the geomorphologic evolution on 
Within Romania. : medium and long terms: monitoring the distribution 
The Danube Delta and the coastal zone of the Black ^ and concentration of suspended sediments, as well 
Sea represent areas of high scientific interest; the as assessing the impact of the marine drilling 
Danube Delta represents the world’s largest surface — platforms; evolution studies will be carried out, 
o volume. compactly covered with rush (reed); regarding the bathimetry, surface temperature, wave 
The macro characteristics of the chosen test - site power, phytoplancton and biological active zones, 
are more significant, because this test - site includes as well as the pollution of different types. The 
the continental platform of the Black Sea, the interest for the area is even more accentuated 
Danube Delta, the Southern part of the Danube because of the proximity of the Vrancea seismically 
lower basin and a hill - mountain zone with a great — zone. 
Seismic interest - the Vrancea zone, in the turning Among several remote sensing studies and projects 
Carpatians; conceived and applied over the Danube Delta and 
also over the continental platform of the Black Sea 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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