Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

ential for 
vith high 
listic and 
nal Baye- 
1e overall 
g training 
| decision 
0 l 2 km 
Industrial Area 
Residential Area 
Other Areas / 
D d 
Figure 9: Result of maximum-likelihood classification 
Land-Use Class Reference Classified Number Producers Users 
Totals Totals Correct Accuracy Accuracy 
Residential Area 120 72 66 533.0.% 91.7% 
Docks 24 38 16 66.7% 42.1% 
Industrial Area 12 39 12 100.0% 30.7% 
Other Areas 100 107 97 97.0% 90.7% 
Overall Classification Accuracy = 74.6% 
Table 10: Accuracy report for maximum-likelihood classification 
Land-Use Class Reference Classified Number Producers Users 
Totals Totals Correct Accuracy Accuracy 
Residential Area 90 72 70 77.8 % 97.2% 
Docks 34 38 30 88.2% 79.0% 
Industrial Area 26 39 24 92.3% 61.5% 
Other Areas 106 107 103 97.2% 96.3% 
Overall Classification Accuracy = 88.7% 
Table 11: Accuracy report for the neural network classification using region-based co-occurrence matrices 
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Bischof, H., Schneider, W., and Pinz, A.J., 1992. Multispectral 
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Bock, S., 1995. Ein Ansatz zur polygonbasierten Klassifikation 
von Luft- und Satellitenbildern mittels künstlicher neuronaler 
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Chen, K.S. et al., 1993. Classification of Multispectral Imagery 
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Chester, M., 1993. Neural Networks: A Tutorial. Prentice Hall, 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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