Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Economic Development

suited to only a given Satellite type, with the attendant loss of reliable source of remote 
sensing data. Indeed a decision to spend scarce financial resources on the establishment 
of Ground Systems must take into congnisance the limited nature of access options of 
such Systems. 
As Developing Countries generally belong to the Consumers Group in remote sensing mat- 
ters, their activities in this field considerably depend on those of the Launching and Operating 
Agencies of the Industrialised Countries, Consequently, caution and restraint should characterise 
discussions on prospects of remote sensing applications in Developing Countries. 
Nonetheless, an optimistic view of the prospects of remote sensing applications in these Co- 
untries may be based on: 
(a) increased awareness of the strengths and limitations of remote sensing techniques among 
Developing Countries; 
(b) general scientific and technological advancement; 
(c) improved international co-operation; 
(d) effect of economics of scale; etc. 
41 “Increased awareness of the capabilities of remote sensing techniques 
With the passage of time, the cumulative effect of the promotional activities of the increasing 
Vendors of Remote Sensing Systems in the Developing Countries would heighten the latter's 
general awareness of the capabilities of the Systems. Such an increased awareness would be 
expected to result in greater utilisation of remote sensing techniques not only through convincing 
the appropriate Authorities to invest in remote sensing, but also by the stimulation of interest 
of the various Agencies in the adoption of remote sensing approches. 
In addition, as more of the specialised training and manpower development programmes of 
Developing Countries come to fruition, their preparedness to benefit from remote sensing techno- 
logy becomes enhanced, paving the way to increased utilisation of the products. 
4.2 Scientific and technological advancement 
Remote sensing is a rapidly evolving technique. Indeed simple portable, one-man opera- 
tional hand-held Spectroradiometers are already available for field cheking operations. Micro- 
computer image processing of digital Satellite data has almost become standard practice. Sensing 
is already being carried out in several modes, including photographic, electro optical, radar and 
microwave, with each of the recent Satellites carrying a combination of these. 
These technological improvements would be expected to yield more types of resource data 
and improved data quality, which would be beneficial to all, including Developing Countries. 
On the other hand, the exorbitant cost of Satellite data in digital form may be seen as a 
guarantee that more Analysts would continue to use non-computer approaches, thereby continu- 
ing to make more accomplishments in photographic imaging, which would be of assured benefit 
to Developing Countries capable of utilising same. 
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